八年级英语Newspapers Writing课件.ppt

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1、Unit 1 NewspapersArthurs second report A few weeks after the school newspaper started,Arthur wrote another report about it to the principle.Part of his report is below.Arthurs second report The member of the newspaper committee(1)_ once a week in one of the classroom.The meetings usually(2)_ at 4 p.

2、m.and(3)_ at about 5 p.m.The chief editor always(4)_ charge of the meetings and the secretary always(5)_ notes.meetstartfinishtakestakesArthurs second report The committee published the first edition of the newspaper two months ago.When it(6)_ out,most students(7)_ pleased with it and most students(

3、8)_ quite interested in the articles.camewerewereArthurs second report Future PlansThe next edition will contain some articles about students health.The articles will give advice to students about how to keep healthy.Each article will contain some exercises for students to do.After completing the exercises,students will answer a questionnaire to find the healthiest students.The winners will get special prizes.


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