八年级英语Newspapers Language课件2.ppt

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1、Unit 1 Newspapers Languagechief editor (n.)主编主编the senior writer and decision-maker of a newspaper.Eg.The chief editor decided not to publish the article.conclude(v.)结束结束=finish=come to the end ofE.g.Our meeting concluded at 9:30.consider(v.)考虑考虑=think about carefullyE.g We considered what to do nex

2、t.=We thought about what to do next.make a decision to do决定做决定做=decide to do sth=make up ones mind to doEg.They made a decision to win the football match.=They decided to win the football match.=They made up their minds to win the football match.elect(v.)选举选举 choose by votingEg.The people will elect

3、 the new president.talk over(phr.)discuss 讨论讨论E.g.Well talk it over tomorrow.=Well discuss it tomorrow.=Well have a discussion about it tomorrow.experience(n.)经验,经历经验,经历skill and knowledge gained from doing sth Eg.After 30 years,she has plenty of experience in teaching.When it is used as a countable

4、 noun,meaning things/events that happen to us.(e.g.My holiday was full of frustrating experiences.sb.publish+n (v.)出版出版=sth come out/give oute.g.:He published his new album last year.=His new album came out last year.hold a meeting 举行举行(会议会议)We hold a meeting every Monday.Guess the meanings of hold:

5、1 She is holding an umbrella.2 The class can hold 50 students.3 I held the job for 2 years.vote for sb 投票投票 选举选举vote against e.g.:Who did you vote for in the election for president of Students Union?*vote to do sth 投票做投票做 vote on sth 对对进行投票进行投票 sb.对对sth.负责负责 take charge of =be responsible for =be in

6、 charge of =sb.have the duty for sthsth.由由sb.负责负责 sth.in the charge of sb.At last Joyce took charge of the meeting.I was in charge of my sister.The manager is responsible for the whole department.The project is in the charge of him.pay money/pay for sth 买买 Don worry!Ill pay it.I paid 20 pounds for t

7、his book.=I spent 20 pounds on this book.=This book cost me 20 pounds.Suggest用法用法1 表示建议表示建议:suggest that should+动词原形动词原形 e.g.:I suggest that we(should)conclude the meeting.They suggested that she make a working plan.Suggest用法用法2 跟动名词跟动名词 suggest doing sth Mr.Zhang suggested putting the meeting off.I suggest going out for a walk after supper.


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