八年级英语Educational visits Writing课件.ppt

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1、Chapter 4 Educational visitsWriting:Holiday Postcards-By Vera WeiApr 7,2009Educational visitsMatch the activities and people.TammyEdwinSylviavisited poor peoplecommunicated with the local people in Aucklandwent sightseeing in Kyotolearned about a new cultureattended language classesstayed with a hos

2、t family in New Zealandlived in a hotelgot valuable experience More ideas:Ill go tobecause I want to 4.go skiing5.go shopping 6.learn about a new culture7.enjoy the beautiful view1.go sightseeing2.have delicious food3.learn a new languageDear Tammy,Hello.I arrived here last Sundayby plane.I am stayi

3、ng at the hotel in the picture.I attended Japanese language classes yesterday and learned a lot about Japanese culture.Tomorrow,I am going to go sightseeing in Kyoto.I think my trip will be amazing.Best wishesSylviaSTAMPSkimming the text:When and how did she go there?What did she do?What is she goin

4、g to do?Last SundayBy planego sightseeingattended classes Guessing:Find the correct place.by trainyesterday.Garden Hotel.go to the Great Wallare going to visit the Bird Nest and take some photos theretake some photos.Dear Mum,We arrived in Beijing _.We stayed at a hotel called _.After breakfast,we _

5、.We felt tired,but excited.Tomorrow,we _.I think it would be interesting.Best wishes.Veraby train yesterdayGarden Hotelwent to the Great Wallvisit the Bird Nesthow and whenwherewhat didwhat willHoliday postcardswhen arrivedhow went therewhere stayedwhat didwhat are going to do Conclusion:On your postcards,you can tell your friend:Euro DisneyWriting:You went on a tour to Paris with your family.Write a postcard to your friend for the place you visited.


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