八年级英语Beautiful Clothes课件9.ppt

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1、仁爱仁爱8年级下年级下 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B1.What do they do?2.What are they doing?2.The models always look so _.They are models.They are modeling the clothes.cool/beautiful/nice/.Whats this?Its a T-shaped stageWhat are they?They are modelsIts not a _ _.Its called a _.Its a _dress for _ women,and its becom

2、ing popular in the world of _ _.common dresscheongsamtraditionalChinesehigh fashionIts a _ costume.Its made of _.minoritysilkIts a traditional _ costume.Russian1.Here come the models.2.In the center of3.High fashion4.another three =three more Jane and Sarah were watching a wonderful _ show.The model

3、s looked so _.The first model wore a cheongsam,and it is a _ _ for Chinese woman.The second one wore a _ _.It was made of _.What did the third one wear?Oh,she wore a _ _ _.Sarah didnt know as much as Jane about fashion.She said,“Wow,Jane.You know a lot about fashion.Thats really _!”fashionbeautifult

4、raditional dressminority costumesilktraditional Russian costumecoolThe suit makes him look _.beautiful active traditional handsomebeautiful active traditional handsomeHe looks very _ in this coat.2 Work alonebeautiful active traditional handsomeEvery woman looks _ when she is wearing a wedding dress

5、.2 Work alonebeautiful active traditional handsomeLook!The boy in sportswear is so _.KoreanTibetanMan ZhuangMongolian SheTest in class单项选择单项选择()1.Jane said that she _a nice watch in Beijing.A.buy B.buys C.bought D.buying()2.Thats not a common dress.People_it a cheongsam.A.called B.is calling C.call

6、D.is called()3.-Would you like _cup of tea?-No,thanks.A.other B.another C.the other D.others()4.John didnt know_Tom about fashion.A.as much as B.as many as C.as little as D.as few as()5.Look!Here _!A.the bus come B.come the bus C.comes the bus D.the bus comes()6.Jack tells me _.A.where will he go B.

7、where will he go C.where he would go D.where he will go CCBACD补全对话补全对话A:Look!_1B:Wow!How beautiful her dress looks!A:_2_Thats a cheongsam._3_The tradition dress is becoming popular in the world of high fashion.B:Look at the second one in a minority costume.I guess its Korean minority costume.Today,t

8、he clothes are from different minorities.A:_4_There are 56 minorities in China.Each minority has a special costume.Today,the clothes are from different minorities.B:You know a lot about fashion._5_ A.Oh,you are right.B.No,you cant.C.Thats not a common dress.D.Thats really cool!E.Here comes a model.F.People called it“Qipao”in the past.G.Here a model comes.ECFADSee you next time!


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