八年级英语Beautiful Clothes课件8.ppt

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1、1.Learn how to get the main information from a passage by skimming.2.Understand the style and the way of dressing in western countries.3.Go on talking about the materials and specifications of clothes:(1)My favorite pants are green and theyre made of 100%cotton.(2)My favorite T-shirt is light blue.I

2、t is made of wool.4.Be able to read the instruction tag in the clothes:100%cotton Made of 100%cotton.Play a guessing game.put your hands into the bag,touch the clothes and tell me what it is and what its made of.Is it a cotton coat?Is it a silk scarf?Read the whole passage and try to find out the an

3、swers to the questions on the blackboard.You can look up the new words in your word list.(1)What do North American people wear on special days?(2)What do Chinese people wear in winter?Unit Eight Topic One Section CFFTTTNorth Americans dresson special daysfew formal daysdepends on their likes and dis

4、likesdress formally/informallypaper party hatsCanadian peoplebootsnearlythe same in Chinagenerallyin Canada and the United Statesthe same style of dressingSouth Americanthe same wayAustraliansTry to retell the passage using your own words.Tell your passage to your classmates.241.Make a survey about

5、your familys favourite clothes and complete the chart below.Write a passage according to the chart above.Members Favorite Clothes Materials My grandfather My grandmother My father My mother My sister Test in class根据句意完成单词1.I think a good p_ should fly the plane safely.2.If we have a car accident on

6、the street,we should ask p_ for help quickly.3.The frighters wear special coats and helmets to protect them from heat and _ _(坍塌的天花板)。4._ _ _(在校会上),students have to wear school uniforms.5.It is necessary that people wear _ _(不同的服装).单项选择()1.Look!She_ a woolen sweater.A.wears B.is wear C.is wearing D.

7、wearing()2.Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular but some still _ too much.A.pay B.spend C.cost D.list()3.He gets _pay _me but I have my own office.A.the same-with B.the same-likeC.the same-as D.the same-to()4.Could you tell me _?A.Where the police station is B.Where is the police station C.Where the police station D The police station is where()5.He _ his uncle for all of his needs.A.depends on.B.depend on C.depend D.depended on


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