八年级英语Beautiful Clothes课件7.ppt

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1、1.Get a deeper understanding how to describe the material of clothes:(1)Whats it made of?Its made of(2)What are they made of?Theyre made of(3)Its a woolen scarf.(4)Theyre cotton T-shirts.2.Learn how to express the specifications of clothes:What size do you wear?I wear size medium.3.Improve the stude

2、nts listening skills.描述所带家庭相片中家人所穿的服饰以及服饰的质地 Can you introduce your family to your classmates?What is she wearing?Whats it made of?Its made of wool.its a woolen sweater.what size do you wear?I wear size small/medium/large.S1:I wear size small.S2:I wear size medium.S3:I wear size large.(1)Whats Kangk

3、ang wearing?(2)Whats his coat made of?(3)What size does Michael wear?prepare for 为为作准备作准备=be/get ready forWhat size do you wear?I wear Size M/L/S(medium/large/small).Its made of natural materials 它是由天然物质做成的它是由天然物质做成的.be made of由由做成的做成的(看得见原材料看得见原材料)be made from由由做成的做成的(看不见原材料看不见原材料)eg:The table is m

4、ade of wood.Paper is made from wood.sohandsomesatisfiedsoso thatsogoldringsleatherpursewool sweatercottonblouseName Clothes Material Make a survey about your classmates favorite clothes and the materials of clothes.Test in class选择选择填空填空1.I dont like this pair of boots.Could you show me another _?A.o

5、ne B.ones C.them D.pair2.I want to buy_ today.A.a pair of sunglass B.two pair of sunglasses C.two pairs of sunglasses D.two sunglasses3.Jim wants to buy the same coat_ mine.A.like B.and C.with D.as4.Wow.What a nice dress you are wearing._.A.Thank you B.I think so C.Yes,it is D.No,its bad5.The girl o

6、ften wears _ pants.A.long green cotton B.green long cotton C.long cotton green D.green cotton long 补全对话补全对话A:Hi.Maria._What a nice dress!B:Thank you.My father said that it is a Chinese Tang costume._.A:Yeah,its ture._.B:Its made of silk.A:_.B:Yes,it does.A:The weather is getting warmer and warmer,_.B:Good idea!


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