八年级英语Beautiful Clothes课件1.ppt

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1、Unit 8 Topic 2 Section A1.Learn“It is+adjective that clause”.2.Go on learning object clause.3.Develop the students collectivism.1.Brainstorming:Students sum up the names of different types of clothes.For example:jeans,scarf,coat,etc.2.Ask and answer.Fox example:Do you like the jeans?Why?Whats it mad

2、e of?1.Answer questions:Do you like the uniforms?Why?2.Listen to the dialog in 1a and answer questions:What will the school make for the students?Do they like the uniforms?Why?Do they have any ideas to solve the problem?What does Miss Wang think about it?Unit Eight Topic Two Section ARead 1a,learn t

3、he new words and remember the following:I dont like uniforms because they will look so ugly on us.But a uniform is more comfortable and it can show good discipline.I think our school should allow us to design our own uniforms.A good school uniform would keep both teachers and students happy.Youd bet

4、ter make a survey about the styles of uniforms.It is important that the students wear uniforms at school.Because it can show good discipline.Do you think it is important that the doctors wear uniforms in the hospital?Why?Have a discussion.Finish 2.that patients can find them easily when they are in

5、needthat it shows good disciplineWrite a composition about“Is it necessary for the students to wear uniforms at school?Why?”1.Write at least five sentences.2.Use“It is+adjective that clause”.()1.Their school will uniforms for them.A.do B.make C.wear ()2.He likes beautiful clothes.He likes smart.A.is

6、 B.be C.to be()3.Our school allows us a basketball game once a month.A.to have B.have C.having()4.Clean uniforms patients.A are good at B.are good for C.are good in()5.Doctors must wear unifornms in the hospital.It good discipline.A shows B.gives C.likes()6.uniforms can show good discipline.A Suit B

7、.Suitable C.Suited()7.It is important we wear uniforms at school.A what B.which C.that()8.Uniforms can make us important.A looks B.look C.looked()9.Uniforms will look so ugly us.A at B.in C.on ()10.Trees can stop water from the earth away.A blow B.blew C.blowing根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词1.The sh

8、irt is too long.It looks so u on me.2.My parents a me to watch TV on Saturday.3.Can you d the style of uniforms?4.Students like d clothes.They dont like the same school uniforms.5.A famous woman is i our headmaster.6.Nowadays there are many p in the police.7.Sometimes some people wear casual clothes to do special t_ 8.Youd better make a s about styles of casual clothes.9.My father has lots of t .10.I dont have anything s to wear for the party.


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