六年级英语How can we go to Beijing课件.ppt

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1、 河北教育出版社小学英语 第5册制作者:港北港城棉村小学周列雄Lesson21How can we go toBeijing?his is an airplane.An airplane isThis is a bus.TA bus is This is a trainThis is a train.A train isfaster thana busbut slower thanan airplane.Lets go to Beijing by plane.Mum!Planes are fast!No,LiMing.I dont want to go to by bus!A bus is s

2、low!I dont want to go by bus!Lets take a train!A trainis slower than a plane but faster than a bus!LiMing:Lets go to Beijing by plane,Mum!Planes are fast!Mum:No.LiMing.I want to take a bus.LiMing:A bus is slow!I dont want to go by bus!Mum:Lets take a train!A train is slowerthan a plane but faster th

3、an a bus!Make sentences with:faster than 比比快快 slower than 比比慢慢A bus is _ a bike but_ a train.A train is _an airplane but _ a bus.faster thanslower thanslower thanfaster than A plane is fast.A bus is slow.Lets take a plane,that is how I want to go!A plane is fast.But lets take a bus.A bus is slow.But it doesnt cost as much!Please,not a bus!Lets take a train!Its faster than a bus,and its cheaper than a plane!A Trains just right!Oh,hooray,Li Ming!We can take a train on our trip to Beijing!Goodbye


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