六年级英语how was your holiday课件.ppt

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1、Unit 1 How was your holiday?Lesson 1 Just read and speakToday I go to school.Last Thursday 2009-12-24I went to a Christmas party.Last weekend Beijing ZooTemple of HeavenSummer PalaceThe Palace Museum/Last Spring Festival HainanShanghaiHong KongKunming What do/did you see(in Hainan)?I see/saw Banana

2、treeCoconut treeBeautiful flowers How is/was your holiday?It is/was fantastic(奇妙的).exciting(令人激动的).wonderful(美妙的).interesting(有趣的).Do/did you have a good time?you enjoy yourself Sure(of course)!Fill in the blanks School begins.The students come back to school.How their holiday?Did they Gao Wei:Hi,Ka

3、te.How was your holiday?Kate:It was !I to Hainan with my parents.Gao Wei:Did you?Kate:Sure!We went to Sanya.We many banana trees,coconut trees and flowers there.Its a city.We like it very much.Do you want to go there,too?Gao Wei:.I will go there in summer.Kate:Thats great!was enjoy themselves?fantasticwenthave a good timevisitsawbeautifulOf course Thank you for your time!


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