六年级英语how tall are you课件1.ppt

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1、 Lets Review你是小记者:访问你周边的几名同学,请其他同学就访问的内容进行纪录。访问内容为:HowHow old areare youyou?HowHow talltall areare youyou?访问人数为5人。根据记录表询问:HowHow talltall is A?HowHow old is A?HowHow talltall is B?HowHow old is B?Is A talltaller than B?Is B older than A?等。句子接龙一名学生说:Im talltaller than youyou.该学生指着另一名学生说Im stronger th

2、an youyou.如此接下去。说不出的学生可以将上一名学生的句子改说成:YouYoure stronger than me.Lets learn1.Listen to the tape!2.Lets chant Now answer the question1.Is Mike talltaller than Lee?Who is talltaller than Sue?2.听录音,一起看歌谣并跟录音有节奏地吟唱。3.表演演唱歌谣。PracticeListen and answer 说说这三只大象的样子,并回答下列问题:What is the Mother elephant like?What

3、 is the Father elephant like?Is the Mother elephant stronger than her son?Lets doA:Im 160 cm tall.Youre taller than me.Im shorter than you.How tall are you?B:Im 165 cm tall.A:Oh,Youre 5 cm taller than me.Lets play(趣味操练)n n分成不同组,看哪个组能按指令最快排成队伍的一组为胜。分成不同组,看哪个组能按指令最快排成队伍的一组为胜。n n指令内容为:指令内容为:Line up fro

4、m Line up from talltaller to shorter.er to shorter.n n(要想了解伙伴的身高,必须用英语来沟通,(要想了解伙伴的身高,必须用英语来沟通,n n比如:比如:HowHow talltall areare youyou?Im 155 cm?Im 155 cm talltall.n nYouYoure 160 cm re 160 cm talltall.Im 5 cm shorter than.Im 5 cm shorter than youyou.)n n 最后由学生自己按指令排队。最后由学生自己按指令排队。(扩展活动)询问他人年龄、身高、体重的语

5、句HowHow old/talltall/heavy areare youyou?调查同学年龄、体重和身高并就调查结果进行分析比较的句子,如:YouYoure shorter than me.YouYoure 4 cm talltaller than me.一边听音乐,一边重温本节课的内一边听音乐,一边重温本节课的内一边听音乐,一边重温本节课的内一边听音乐,一边重温本节课的内容容容容 HowHow old/old/talltall/heavy /heavy areare youyou?YouYoure shorter than me.re shorter than me.You Youre 4 cm re 4 cm talltaller than me.er than me.


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