五年级英语at the weekends课件5.ppt

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1、Fun with English 5B Unit 8an ant蚂蚁蚂蚁carry big things搬运大物品work in groups(成群结队工作).a bee蜜蜂make honey(蜜).It lives in the grass.It can jump very high.a grasshopper 蚱蜢jump highlive in the grassa fly苍蝇苍蝇a butterfly蝴蝶蝴蝶like flowers 喜欢花a firefly萤火虫萤火虫a fly苍蝇苍蝇glow at night 在夜晚发光very special 非常特殊a fly苍蝇苍蝇a dr

2、agonfly蜻蜓蜻蜓fly highan insect 昆虫 insects 昆虫It is very beautiful.It always dances in the flowers.People usually call it A flyingflower.What is it?It is small,but it can carry(搬运)big things.It always works in groups(成群结队工作).What is it?It is very special(特殊的).It glows(发光)at night.What is it?It lives in

3、the grass.It can jump very high.What is it?It is beautiful.It can fly high.What is it?It is very busy.It makes honey(蜜).What is it?It likes flowers and its an insect.What is it?Its a bee,and we knowflies high,flies high.glows at night,at night.jumps high,jumps high.And likes flowers,flowersDo you kn

4、ow insects?1.What can a firefly do?2.How many legs does a grasshopper have?3.How many wings does a butterfly have?4.What can a bee do?5.How many stomachs does an ant have?6.Is a spider(蜘蛛)an insect?It can glow at night.Six.Four wings.It can make honey(蜂蜜).Two.No,it isnt.An insect has only six legs.根

5、据短片内容回答1.Where does the boy study?2.How does he spend his weekends?primary school 小学3.What is he talking about?He studies at Yu Cai Primary School._He often goes to the park._other interesting insects 其它有趣的昆虫other 别的,其余的Make an insect card!AntIt has six legs.Its small but strong.It can carry big things.Is it a?Talk in groupsIt is beautiful.It can dance in the flowers.


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