五年级英语at a musicroom课件.ppt

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1、ski(滑雪)滑雪)skate(溜冰)溜冰)play the guitar(弹吉他)(弹吉他)play the violin(拉小提琴)(拉小提琴)What,what,what can you do?I can sing,sing a song.What,what,what can you do?I can play,play the violin.What,what,what can you do?I can dance,dance well.What,what,what can you do?I can play,play the guitar.I can What can you do?

2、I can 1、In the classroom 4、We can sing and dance2、Colour song 3、Two jacketsWhat can you sing?I can sing Listen and choose 1.What can the students sing?()A、Two jackets.C、Colour song.B、In the classroom.D、We can sing and dance.2、What can Ben do?()A、He can play the violin.B、He can play the guitar.C、He can play the piano.C、He can play the accordion.B CAHomework:1、Copy the new words.2、Listen to the tape and read Part A.


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