五年级英语At the weekends课件4.ppt

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1、教者教者:丁希彦丁希彦cartoonwatch cartoonsOf course.Of course,I do.Do you love your parents/China/our school every day?Of course,I do.A:How does Yang Ling spend her weeekends?B:She often watches TVSometimes she reads English.A:How does Su Yang spend her weekends?B:She often catches butterfliesSometimes she wa

2、tches cartoons.A:How does David spend his weeekends?B:He often plays cards.Sometimes he listens to music.A:How does Gao Shan spend her weeekends?B:He often draws pictures.Sometimes he washes clothes.Do a surveyDo a survey.My friend is _.He/She often _ at the weekends.Sometimes he/she _.My friends fa

3、ther often _ at the weekends.My friends mother often _ at the weekends.Questions:How does Yang Ling spend her weekends?How does Helen spend her weekends?How do Su Hai and Su Yang spend her weekends?A:Which star do you like?B:I likeA:Why?B:Because he/sheA:How does he/she spend his/her weekends?B:He/s

4、he often.How about you?Retell the text It is Friday afternoon,the students are _(talk)about their weekends.Wang Bing likes sports,he often _the Internet,sometimes he _swimming and _ _.Mike likes sports,too.He often goes _,sometimes he _to music or goes to the _.Helen likes _TV at home.She _housework at the weekends.Yang Ling often goes to the park.She likes _ _ the swings.She does housework,too.Su Hai and Su Yang often _ _,sometimes they _ _in the park.Homework:1 Copy the new words.2 Retell the dialoguesThanks!Bye!


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