五年级英语at the weekends课件1.ppt

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1、At the weekendsMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayHow do you spend your weekends?I often Sometimes I sport/spt/go climbing/How does she spend her weekends?She often watches cartoons.Sometimes she goes to the park and catches butterflies.watch cartoons/catch butterfliesHow does he spen

2、d his weekends?He often surfs the Internet.Sometimes he plays basketball.Sometimes he goes swimming.How does she spend her weekend?She often goes to the park.She likes playing on the swing.Sometimes she does housework.sometimesgo swimmingcatch butterfliesplay basketballlisten to musicgo to the cinem

3、aoftengo climbingsurf the internetwatch cartoonsgo to the parkdo houseworkWangWang Bing BingMikeMikeHelenHelenYang LingYang LingSuSu Hai Hai SuYang SuYang Dear Miss Gao:I often at the weekends.Sometimes I .(my good friend)often .Sometimes he/she .My parents often .Sometimes they .Have a nice weekend!yours Homework:1.listen and read the dialogue.2.copy the phrases.3.write an e-mail to your parents.(about your weekends)


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