五年级英语the English club课件6.PPT

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1、Unit 9Unit 9The English ClubThe English Club无无锡锡市市陆陆区区中心小中心小学学 吴吴冬梅冬梅Flags(旗)(旗)China Im from China.Im Chinese.ChineseWhere are you from?Liu XiangWhere is he from?Hes from China.Hes Chinese.DianaWhere is she from?Shes from the UK.Shes British.the UK 英国British 英国人BeckhamWhere is he from?Hes from the

2、UK.Hes British.Big BenLondon Tower Bridge the Statue of Liberty the USA 美国美国Where is he from?Hes from the USA.Hes American.TomWhere is it from?Its from the USA.Its American.(美国的)Mickey MouseYumiWhere is she from?Shes from Japan.Shes Japanese.Japan 日本cherry 樱花樱花Fuji Mountain 富士山富士山Japanese 日本人日本人Wher

3、e is she from?Shes from Japan.Shes Japanese.kangaroo 袋鼠袋鼠koala 卡拉卡拉 Australia 澳大利亚 Australian 澳大利亚JohnWhere is he from?Hes from Australia.Hes Australian.Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 France 法国French 法国人RosyWhere is she from?Shes from France.Shes French.Perfume 香水the UK China the USAFrance Australia Japan What

4、country is it?Its国家国家Where is he from?Harry Potterthe UKBritishGuessing game:Guessing game:Japan China France the UK the USA AustraliaJapanese Chinese French British American AustralianWhere is she from?FranceFrenchGuessing game:Guessing game:Japan China France the UK the USA AustraliaJapanese Chine

5、se French British American AustralianWhere are they from?ChinaChineseGuessing game:Guessing game:Japan China France the UK the USA AustraliaJapanese Chinese French British American AustralianWhere is he from?JapanJapaneseGuessing game:Guessing game:Japan China France the UK the USA AustraliaJapanese

6、 Chinese French British American AustralianSpidermanJapan China France the UK the USA AustraliaJapanese Chinese French British American Australianthe USA AmericanWhere is he from?Guessing game:Guessing game:Come here and meet us,pleaseCome here and meet us,please.Li Fangjing is Chinese.Yumi is Japan

7、ese.John is American.Ken is Australian.France is where Clare is from.England is the home of Tom.Homework:1 Fill in the blanks.2 Read the new words.3 Talk to your friends about the stars you like.(和你的朋友讨论你喜欢的明星。)(和你的朋友讨论你喜欢的明星。)Fill in the blanks.I have many friends.Li Fangjing is from _ .She is _.Yumi lives in _.Shes _.Mike is from _ .Hes_.John is from _.He is_.Rosy lives in _ .Shes _.Tom is from_.Hes _.ChinaChineseJapanJapanesethe USAAmericanAustraliaAustralianFranceFrenchthe UKBritish Goodbye everyone.Goodbye everyone.Goodbye everyone.Its time to say goodbye.


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