五年级英语The English club课件1.ppt

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1、Teacher:Zhang YanUnit 9 (Period)Where is she/he from?Does she/he speak?She/Hes from Yes,she/he does.No,she/he speaks China is our country.Chinese is our language.语言语言Chinathe PRCEngland 英格兰英格兰Scotland 苏格兰苏格兰Welsh 威尔士威尔士the UKWhere is it?What do people speak?Would you like to visit it?124536Jims fami

2、ly photoan English mana Japanese womanJims hobby:watch Japanese cartoonsFrench clothesJims father teaches English in a primary school.7:00 go to school4:30 go home ride banana primary a primary school 一所小学 Puqian Primary Schoolhouse bike housewifeJims mother does all the cooking and cleaning.talk to

3、 her Chinese friendswrite stories about them Jim is my classmate.He lives in ,but he is from .His father is from and his mother is from .They speak _ and .Jims father teaches _in a primary school.He likes teaching.Jims mother does not _.She is a housewife.She does all the cooking and cleaning.She li

4、kes _ stories about them.Jim likes _very much.He learns _from me and I learn _from him.We go to school and go home together.We are good friends.ChinaEnglandEnglandJapanEnglishJapaneseEnglishwork writingChineseChineseEnglishTopic:My _ My family My friend My teacher Look,a girl and two boys are coming

5、.The girl has fair hair.She is beautiful.She is a French girl.France is a romantic(浪漫的)country.Its famous(著名的)for the perfume(香水).The French girls are very beautiful and the French boys are very handsome(英俊的).The two boys have high noses and blue eyes.They are Americans.They come to China with their

6、 parents.The USA is a big and strong(强大的)country.Now Yao Ming is playing basketball there.Now we are classmates.We are in Class Three,Grade One.All of us Chinese students like the English girl and the American boys.We often play games together.We help them and they help us.We are good friends.()1.Th

7、ere are _ foreigners(外国人)in the story.A.one B.two C.three D.four()2.The girl with fair hair is from_.A.Japan B.the UK C.Australia D.France()3.The two boys are _ boys.A.English B.American C.Japanese D.Chinese CDBHomework:1.Read Part E.2.Write a passage about my _.3.Write about your father or mother,copy it in nice paper,then give him or her as a present.You can choose one or finish all.Thank you!


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