五年级英语The English club课件4.ppt

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1、 Unit 9(2)The English Club常州市丁堰小学常州市丁堰小学 顾婷顾婷 Unit 9(2)The English Club常州市丁堰小学常州市丁堰小学 顾婷顾婷Come here and meet us,please Come here and meet us please.Li Fang jing is Chinese.Yu mi is Japanese.John is American.Ken is Australian.France is where Clare is from.England is the home of Tom.The English club 会

2、员卡Name:Gu ting M/F:F Country:China Hometown:Changzhou Language:English Chinese Hobby:Travelling Where is it from?Its from eat ice cream read seai:He is reading a book and eating an ice cream in the sea.bread head tea teach 1.Where is Jim from?Where is Jim from?2.Where does he live now?Where does he

3、live now?3.Whats his fathers job?Whats his fathers job?4.Whats his mothers job?Whats his mothers job?Questions:Questions:Hes from England.He lives in ChinaHes a teacher.Shes a housewife.Primary school ride fineDingyan Primary school housewifeknife Toms family is from USA,but now they live in Beijing

4、.Toms father Mr Green is an office worker and his mother Mrs Green is a bus driver.Jims father is Toms uncle.Jims parents are English teachers.They have a daughter.Her name is Kate.Shes only four.Tom and Jim are both at school,but they arent classmates.They both like Chinese food.Theyre very happy i

5、n China.()1.Toms father comes from UK.()2.Jim has a sister Kate.()3.Jims mother is Toms aunt.()4.Tom,Jim and Kate are all students.()5.Tom and Jim are in different classes.()6.They like living in China very much.Homework:1 Listen to the tape,read Part E 2 times.2 Write a short passage about your friend of the English club.THE END


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