五年级英语The English Club课件2.ppt

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1、 Teacher:Xu Lihua Puqian Primary SchoolPeriod I Im from Lian Yungang.chair banana China 中国中国Where are you from?Im from China.China is a great country.(国家)Tibet Potala Palace Tiananmen squarethe Great Wall Terra Cotta Warriors What is the capital of China?(首都)The capital is Beijing.a map of China Whe

2、re are you from?Im from China.Im Chinese.Chinese 中国人 Japan 日本panda a map of JapanTokyo is the capital of Japan.(东京)(首都)Where is he/that man from?Hes from Japan.Hes Japanese.jacket Chinese Japanese 日本人日本人Japanese cherry 日本日本樱樱花花Fuji Mountain富士山富士山 Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 France 法国 dance The capital is Par

3、is.(首都)(巴黎)Champagne 香槟Wine 酒perfume 香水fashion show 时装表演Where are they from?They are from France.They are French.French 法国人;法语friend chair the UK 英国the United Kingdom The capital is London.(首都)(伦敦)sit English British 英国人 TomWhere is he from?Hes from Hes.is from the UK.Hes/Shes British.BeckhamDiana C

4、haplinWhere is he/she/it from?Harry PotterJapan China France the UK Japanese Chinese French British the UKBritishWhere is he/she/it from?Japan China France the UK Japanese Chinese French British JapanJapaneseWhere is he/she/it from?Japan China France the UK Japanese Chinese French British FraceFrenc

5、hWhere are they from?ChinaChineseJapan China France the UK Japanese Chinese French British Japan China France the UK Japanese Chinese French British Where is he/she/it from?JapanJapaneseSpidermanJapan China France the UK the USA/AmericaJapanese Chinese French British Americanthe USA (America)America

6、nWhere is he/she/it from?the USA 美国 the United Statesof America 美利坚合众国 American 美国人Washington is(华盛顿)the capital of the USA.(首都)Where is it from?Its from the USA.Its American.(美国的)Its on the other side of the earth(地球).When were hot,theyre cold.When were cold,theyre hot.kangaroo 袋鼠koala 卡拉 Australia

7、 澳大利亚 game cakeAustralian 澳大利亚人 KenWhere is he from?Hes from Hes Australia.Australian country countriesSports Club 体育俱乐部but up club1.Whats his name?2.How old is he?3.Where is he from?4.Whats his hobby?Country:ChinaHobby:playing footballName:Beckham Age:32 Country:the UKName:Liu XiangAge:25 Hobby:run

8、ning and jumping Star Club 明星俱乐部NameAgeCountryHobbyCheng LongChinajogging and swimming541.Who do you like/know?2.How old is he/she?3.Where is he/she from?4.Whats his/her hobby?The stars I know!明星知多少明星知多少!Homework:1 Copy the words.2 Try to make a new dialogue.3 Know more about the stars you like.(了解你所喜欢的明星了解你所喜欢的明星)Goodbye everyone.Goodbye everyone.Goodbye everyone.Its time to say goodbye.


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