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1、英文资料When marketing is mentioned, many think of the function as it relates to consumers. However, there is another side that is expected to blossom during the next decade business-to business marketing. According to Business to Business “2007 Marketing Priorities and Plans” survey, marketing efforts

2、will grow as business-to-business marketers increase budgets, do more business online, and try new technologies (Maddox, 2006). Respondents shared some of their goals for 2007, and the top three goals were customer acquisition (62.3% of the respondents), brand awareness (19.5%) and customer retentio

3、n (11%).New market growth, product penetration, research and positioning the company as a thought leader were other goals listed in the survey. Although e-mail, search and Web casts were listed as still being important and worthy of some funding, web site development was the clear leader in getting

4、the largest share of the online marketing budget. The survey also found that 67.7% of advertisers plan to launch new ad campaigns in 2007.“Business-to-Business Marketing is a complex discipline that has become integral to selling products or services to business,industrial, institutional or governme

5、nt buyers” (Oliva, n.d., p. 1).Many forecasters have predicted that this market can expect purchases to net several trillion dollars a year, which is why many are predicting that the growth will outpace Business-to-Consumer marketing. However, the marketing industry will respond accordingly by provi

6、ding both markets with sufficient attention even though both have different focuses. Business Marketing Versus Consumer MarketingThere are many differences between the two forms of marketing such as business marketing using shorter and more direct channels of distribution (Dwyer & Tanner, 2006), and

7、 consumer marketing aiming at larger demographic groups through mass media and retailers. In addition, the negotiation process is more personal between the buyer and seller in business marketing.Business marketers tend to use direct mail and trade journals as the preferred method of advertising, and

8、 they only commit a small portion of their budgets to do so (Hull & Speh, 2001). According to Oliva (n.d.), some of the unique features between the two methods are:Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing Transactions among and within value chains Value primarily determined by business economic use Smal

9、l numbers of customers, many requiring personalizedmarketing, including customized products and prices Large customers with strong market power (a business customers tend to be its competitors) Diverse and varied customer types and customer needs Large unit transactions Complex and lengthy selling p

10、rocesses involving many players creating a demand decision chain Deeper partnerships with members of the value chain, including customers Channel management oriented up and down the supply chain Sales focused on key account management, and multiple purchasing influencersBusiness-to-Consumer (B2C) Ma

11、rketing Transactions through the dealer to the end consumer Value determined by end-consumer perception Focus on brand management Large number of generally similar consumers Small transactions Linear selling process, usually of short duration Channel management oriented toward retail Sales activity

12、focused on the end userBusiness marketings foundation is based on building profitable,value-oriented relationships between two organizations and their workforces. Business marketers focus on a small number of customers by using sales processes that are large, complex and technical. Due to new market

13、ing and communication technologies, B2B and B2C marketing efforts cross many industries. Business marketers must understand how the two methods work together in order to create and deliver value.eCommerceAlthough Business-to-Consumer electronic commerce captures the attention of the industry, Busine

14、ss-to-Business electronic commerce is the format that is predicted to reap most of e-business activity. Business-to-Business eCommerce has exploded. This market became a trillion-dollar market by 2003, and was expected to have a 90% compound annual growth rate (Sprague, 2000). According to Sprague (

15、2000), B2B e-commerce represents another revolution that is reshaping business relationships and is causing dramatic shifts in channel power as information and communication imbalances disappear” (p.1). B2B eCommerce provides buyers and suppliers with value propositions that can lower transaction co

16、sts and increase the value obtained in business relationships. These value propositions provide opportunities for new players to enter the process of facilitating buyer and supplier adoption of eCommerce capabilities.One of the most important objectives of B2B eCommerce is to change the cost and ben

17、efits of transactions. Kaplan and Garicano (2001) developed a framework that describes how B2B eCommerce can change transaction costs. The model presented five ways that this could be done, and they are: Changes in the processes.B2B eCommerce can improve efficiencies by reducing the costs associated

18、 with existing business processes. Improvements may occur in two different ways. The first way is to reduce the cost of an activity that is currently being conducted (i.e. catalog orders being taken online versus by telephone or fax). The second way is to use the Internet to redesign the existing pr

19、ocess (i.e. Autodaq creates online auctions for used cars without having to ship the cars to a physical auction). Each process improvement effort should be measured and evaluated to ensure that there are cost savings. This effort can be assessed by documenting the time and costs involved in both the

20、 existing process as well as the proposed process. The difference between the two is the savings from the process improvement. Changes in the nature of the marketplace.Use of the Internet can (1) reduce a buyers cost of finding suppliers suppliers, (2) provide buyers with better information about pr

21、oduct characteristics, and (3) provide better information about buyers and sellers. Changes in indirect effects of transaction cost reductions.Better information about future demand through B2B e-commerce may allow a seller to improve its demand forecasts, and use that information to change its prod

22、uction decisions to bettermatch demand. As a result, a buyer may obtain better information about existing and future supplies and use the information to change its inventory decisions. Also, if the Internet is able to produce decreases in the costs of processing transactions in the market, fewer tra

23、nsactions may be processed inside organizations. Changes the degree of information imcompletenessSince buyers and sellers tend to not have the same information about a particular transaction, one or both parties may be at a disadvantage when evaluating the desirability of a transaction. TheInternet

24、has the potential to change the informational positions of buyers and sellers.中文翻译当一提到市场营销,许多人只意识到与消费者有关的职能。然而,在下个世纪将要流行的是企业对企业的营销。根据企业对企业“2007年市场营销优先考虑和计划”的调查,随着企业对企业营销人员增加预算,市场营销的效用将越来越大。做更多的网上业务,并尝试新技术(马多克斯,2006年)受访者赞同他们的一些目标,2007年,前三个目标是客户获取( 62.3 的受访者),品牌知名度(19.5%)和客户忠诚度(11%)。新的市场增长,产品普及率,研究和定位

25、公司作为一个领导者的其他目标中列出了调查。虽然电子邮件,搜索和网播被列为仍被重要和值得一些资金,网站的发展是明显的领先者获得最大份额的在线营销预算。该调查还发现,2007年67.7 %的广告客户计划推出新的广告系列。“企业对企业营销是一个复杂的学科,在对工业,机构或政府的买家” 的交易中已经占有很大的份额了(Oliva, n.d., p. 1)。许多经济学家预测,这些市场预期的净购买额将达到数万亿美元以上,因此许多人预测,企业对企业的营销将超过企业对消费者营销。然而,企业对企业,企业对消费者的营销是有不同的侧重点的。一企业营销与消费者营销 这两种营销是有很多的不同点,比如说企业可以使用更短,更

26、直接的分销渠道(Dwyer & Tanner,2006年),而消费者营销旨在通过大众媒体和零售商获取更多的消费者。此外,企业营销中的买方卖方谈判进程是更具个性化的。企业营销往往使用直接邮件和行业杂志作为首选方法的广告,这样的费用也不是很高(Hull & Speh,2001年)。据奥利瓦的观点,这两种营销模式都有各自的特点:企业对企业(B2B)的市场营销交易主要是在内部的价值链之间价值主要取决于企业的规模大小只有少量的客户,但是他们许多需要个性化 市场营销,包括定制产品和价格大客户往往有着较强的购买能力(企业的客户往往是其竞争对手)多样化的客户类型和客户需求大规模交易复杂和漫长的销售过程,因为大

27、规模的采购在决定方面要经过很长时间的考虑渠道管理会上下衍生到供应链企业对消费者(B2C)的营销交易通过经销商直接提供给最终消费者价值取决于最终消费者的观念注重品牌管理有大量的类似消费者交易规模小线性销售,通常交易时间短渠道管理主要是面向零售商销售活动的重点是最终用户由于新的市场营销手段和通信技术的发展,B2B和B2C的营销工作跨多个行业。企业营销者必须充分了解怎么样把两种方法结合在一起,从而更好地为企业创造价值。二营销与电子商务的综合利用 虽然B2C现在获得的许多行业的注意力,但是B2B电子商务模式,预计未来将获得大部分的电子商务活动。B2B电子商务现在已经开始迅速发展,这个市场将会成为一个万

28、亿美元的市场。据Sprague(2000年), B2B电子商务代表着又一场商业革命,首先正在改变正常的商业关系。B2B的电子商务模式给买家和供应商提供的价值主张,可以降低交易成本和增加在商业关系中所能获得的价值。这些有价值的建议会给新进入的市场者提供意见,使他们更好地运用电子商务。 B2B电子商务的一个重要的目标就是改变交易成本和以及交易双方在交易中所获得的利益。Kaplan and Garicano(2001年)制定了一个框架,用来形容B2B怎么样降低交易成本。该模型提出了五个方面,分别是:交易流程的改变B2B的电子商务模式可以通过降低与业务流程有关的成本,从而提高效率。改进可能会发生在两种

29、不同的方式。第一种方法是降低有关活动的成本,这种方法是现在经常用到的(比如说通过网上或电话,传真来传递订单)。第二种方法是使用互联网来改变一些交易的程序(比如说Autodaq创造了网上拍卖二手车,而不必通过船泊运送汽车到现场拍卖)。每个过程的改进都应该努力衡量和评估其成果,以确保能够节省费用。通过记录改进前和改进后时间和费用的区别,这两个方面的差别就是交易流程改变带来的收益。互联网给市场性质带来的变化因特网的使用可以:(1)减少了买方去找供应商的成本(2)也使买家能够更好地了解产品的特性(3)而且互联网上可以提供关于买家和卖家的有关信息。交易成本的削减通过B2B电子商务可以更好地了解未来的需求,使得销售者可以更好地提高其需求预测能力,并利用这些信息来改变其未来生产的决定。因此,买方可取得更多的有关现有和未来的供应的信息以及使用这些信息来决定其库存。此外,如果互联网是能够减少一部分交易过程中的费用,那么就能减少许多内部组织中的交易。信息不对称程度的改变 由于买家和卖家往往在同一个交易过程中掌握不同的信息,所以在评价交易的的可取性的时候,一方或双方都有可能处于不利地位。因特网可以改变卖方,买方的信息立场,使其不处于被动地位。


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