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1、The history of robotsThe history of robotsThe first stage-Theoretical Development(1920-1948)1920 Czechoslovak Writers Karel Capek“Luo Samus universal robot”was first mentioned in Robota(Czech“drudgery,servitude”)Robotnik(Polish,intended for the“workers”),create a“robot”is the word.1942 American scie

2、nce fiction writer Asimov put forward the Three Laws of Robotics.1948 Robert Wiener published Cybernetics,Offered to the computer as the core of automated factory.The history of robotsThree Laws of RoboticsThe first ruleRobot may not injure a human,or sit back and do nothing hurt humans;The second r

3、uleUnless contrary to the first rule,the robot must obey human orders;The third ruleWithout prejudice to the first and second law,the robot must protect themselves.Will robot capture the human being?The history of robotsThe first stage-Theoretical evelopment(1954-1978)1954 American George Dvorkin cr

4、eate the worlds first programmable robot,and registered patents.1959 Dvorkin and American inverntor Joseph Ying Ge Bogeinvernt the first industrial robot and found a robot copany-Unimation.industrial robotThe history of robotsThe second stage-Technology development(1954-1978)1962-1963 Application of

5、 sensors to improve the operability of the robot.1965 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory developed the Beast robot1969 Japans Wsaseda University developed the first robot to walk with its feet.1978 Unimation company developed industrial robot PUMA which means the industrial robot te

6、chnology has fully matured.Cornell”is walking forwardThe history of robotsThe third stage-Intelligent robotics development(1984-?)1997 Honda demonstrated the Intelligent robotics ASIMO。The history of robotsThe third stage-Intelligent robotics development(1984-?)1999 Sony demonstrated the Intelligent

7、 robotics AIBOThe history of robotsThe third stage-Intelligent robotics development(1984-?)2002 iRobot company introduced a vacuum cleaner robot Roomba.2006-6,Microsoft introduced Microsoft Robotics Studio。The purpose of creating robotsThe purpose of creating robotsThousands of years we human are bu

8、rdened by heavy labor.And today there is a trend for us to solve the problem step by step since the robot was invented.The purpose of creating robotsThe purpose of creating robotsDefinition:Implementation of the robot is automatic machine device.It can accept human command,and can run a pre-arranged

9、 program,also based on the principles of artificial intelligence techniques to develop programs of action.Its mission is to assist or replace human work,such as manufacturing,construction,or dangerous work.Classification of robotsCivilian robot:help people live betterIndustrial robot:increase the ef

10、ficient of manufacturemilitary robot:avoid death Special robot:do special jobsClassification of robotsCivilian robot-help us do job in everyday life.Classification of robotsIndustrial robot-the carrier robot hold Lamborghini in the production line.Classification of robotsIndustrial robot-the carrier

11、 robot hold Lamborghini in the production line.Classification of robotsmilitary robot:military robot help the army to avoid death in battle and beat the enemy efficiently.EDI-extreme deep invaderClassification of robotsSpecial robot:for special use.Agriculture.geography.Rescue.No man plane to search

12、 and rescue.To remain to spaceshipRobot Photo ViewKINDO-KINDORobot Photo ViewAI toy for todays childRobot Photo ViewHumanoid Robot by Honda is walking downstairs.Robot Photo ViewThis small tactical robot named SUGVs,it is a small unmanned ground installations,assembling cameras,audio devices and oth

13、er sensors on the battlefield can be found in real-time remote explosive device(IED),and related public safety the threat.It can crawl into the stairs,and roll it difficult to enter into the human or dangerous areas.SUGVsRobot Photo ViewCamaroA Chevrolet sports car and also its the main role of Tran

14、sformer as a alien robotRobot Photo ViewZMP-mobile humanoidRobot Photo ViewManipulator&Machine hand(Ferrari production equipment)To carry and manufacture the car.Ferrari production equipmentRobot Photo ViewIn the future,will the robot capture the human in the movie terminator?Thank You!By:Li Longjiangroge_


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