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1、The Differences between The Differences between Chinese and western educationChinese and western education.Body.Body A.School 1.classroom 2.the role of teachers 3.teaching style 4.The standard of grading B.Family 1.How to educate the children 2.Attitude C.Societyc co on nt te en nt t.Introduction.In

2、troduction .QuestionQuestion.Discussion.DiscussionV.ConclusionV.Conclusion.IntroductionIntroductionWesternWesternChineseChineseDifferencesDifferencesstudents choose to study abroadEducation has drawn so much attention Education has drawn so much attention than before.than before.2023/9/2.Body.Body A

3、.School A.School a1.Classroom1.ClassroomLeft:active,colorful,move around and talk with your classmatesRight:serious,sit straight,cant talk freely2023/9/2.Body.Body A.School A.School a2.the role of teachers2.the role of teachers Western:Western:getting along with students like a friend,like a well-tr

4、ained organizer,have to write their own teaching plans.Chinese:Chinese:the class of the theachers,focus on the quantity rather than the quality,ues the same txtbook2023/9/2.Body A.SchoolBody A.School3.Teaching style3.Teaching style Western:how to find problems Chinese:how to solve problemsproblemsol

5、ve itproblemdiscuss with classmatessolve itteacherteacher2023/9/2.Body.Body A.School A.School a4.The standard of evaluating4.The standard of evaluating Western:academic performance and peacetime performance Chinese:only test scores15%15%20%50%100%class discipline and attendancehomeworkinteractive di

6、scussionthesis writingtest scores2023/9/2.Body.Body B.Family B.Family awestern:learning happillychinese:learning stressfullypressure1.how to educate the children1.how to educate the children2023/9/2.Body.Body B.Family B.Family a1.how to educate the children1.how to educate the childrenleisure2023/9/

7、2.Body.Body B.Family B.Family bChinese:too much concernWestern:freedom2.attitude2.attitude2023/9/2.Body.Body C.SocietyC.SocietyNet-barNet-barKTVKTVVideo game cityVideo game cityWestern:the society is responsible for childrens education.Chinese:only the schoolQuestionQuestion1.Which class style do yo

8、u prefer?Why?2.Which one,do you think,is better between the standart textbook and the teach notes write by the teacher?3.Do you think chinese parents pay too much attention to their children?4.Do you want to study abroad?5.What lead to these differences between Chinese and Western education?2023/9/2

9、disscussiondisscussion Which education model is better?Do Which education model is better?Do you think whether its possible for China toyou think whether its possible for China toadopt the education style like western?adopt the education style like western?.Conclusion.ConclusionA.The western education more close to an exploration of the self model.B.Different countries have different education,the right one is the best one.Bibliography.BibliographyA.B.


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