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1、动态电力系统Chap.7 Power System LoadslProblem:Why Load modeling is always based on a considerable amount of simplification?7.1 Basic Load-Modeling Concepts lProblem:What is the concept of composite load?Loads are usually represented at what system level?for angular stability or for voltage stability)7.1.1

2、 Static load models l幂次式负荷模型:当幂为0,1,2时的特殊性For composite system loads,exponent of active load:0.5-1.8reactive load:1.5-6,1.it varies as a nonlinear function of voltage 2.at higher voltage,?Problem:In the absence of specific information,what is the most accepted static load model?l多项式负荷模型:ZIP model Ho

3、w to take into account of the frequency dependency of load characteristics?What are the typical parameter for Kpf(0,3.0)and Kqf(-2.0,0)?How to get the variation of a bus frequency in simulation?How to make comprehensive static model?Is the static load realistic at low voltage?What practice is applie

4、d to deal with this problem?7.1.2 Dynamic Load ModelslProblem:Why dynamic load model is needed?When static and dynamic load models are used?What kinds of dynamic loads there are?(a).(b).(c).(d)7.2 Modeling of induction Motors7.3 Synchronous Motor Model7.4.1 measurement-based approach lsteady-state l

5、oad-voltage characteristicsProblem:At what voltage level?How to get voltage change?What parameters are interested lsteady-state load-frequency characteristicsProblem:How to get frequency change?How to separate the influence of voltage change?lDynamic load-voltage characteristics What is the basic ap

6、proach?7.4.2 Component-based approachBase on a structure:Bus load Load class mix Load components Component characteristics Chap.8 Excitation SystemlProblem:What is its basic function?What is its main control function?8.1Excitation sys.requirementslGenerator considerationsBasic function:continuous ca

7、pabilityEmergency function:short-term capabilitylPower system considerations Functions:voltage controlTransient stability controlSmall-signal control lExcitation requirementsMeet response criteriaProvide limiting and protective functions Meet specific requirement for operation flexibilityMeet the de

8、sired reliability and availability8.2 Elements of Excitation Sys.lExciter:provide DC powerlRegulator:process and amplify input signallTerminal voltage transducer and load compensation:lPSSlLimiter and protective circuits:8.3 Types lBroad types of excitation systemDCACStatic 8.4.1 Dynamic Performance

9、 MeasureslCeiling voltagelCeiling currentlVoltage time response l8.4.2 Small-signal performance MeasureslTime response lFrequency response 8.5 Control and protective functionsl8.5.1 Reguratorsl8.5.2 Stabilizing Circuitsl8.5.3 PSSl8.5.4 Load compensationl8.5.5 Under-excitation limiterl8.5.6 Over-excitation limiterl8.5.7 Volts-per-Herts Limiter and protectionl8.5.8 Field-shorting Circuits8.6 Modeling of Excitation Systemsl8.6.1 Per unit systeml8.6.2 Modeling of components l8.6.3 Modeling of complete excitation system l8.6.4 Field Testing


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