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1、翻译原文4Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Systems4The Advantages of Mitsubishi Solar Panels51光伏电力系统光伏电力系统利用太阳能电池吸收太阳光线,并将这种能量转化成电能。 这个系统让广大家庭通过一种清洁,可靠,平静的方式来产生电能,这样就可以补偿将来的部分电能支出,也减少了对输电网的依赖。太阳能电池一般是由经改进的硅,或者其他能够吸收阳光并将之转化成电能的半导体材料制成。 太阳能电池是相当耐用的(1954年在美国安装的第一个光伏电力系统至今仍在运营)。 绝大多数的生厂商都担保自己的产品的电源输出至少维持20年。 但大多数的

2、有关太阳能研究的专家认为一个光伏电力系统至少能维持25到30年。1.1 太阳能电池的类型目前有单晶硅,多晶硅和薄膜三种基本形式的光伏组件。 这些类型的电池工作效率都很好但单晶硅电池效率最好。 薄膜技术的电池以成本低为特色,而且伴随着太阳能电池板的发展它的效率也在不断地提高。越来越多的生厂商以及各种各样的电池型号在当今市场上出现。一个太阳能技术的支持者可以帮你分析各个系统的利弊,如此你就可以得到为你所用数十年的最佳的系统设计方案。 1.2光伏电力系统如何运作光电板通常安装在建筑物顶部,通过逆变器来引到建筑物中。 逆变器将通过太阳能板产生的直流电转化成交流电,而在当今美国交流电是向建筑提供电动力的

3、主要形式。朝南方向的太阳能板能使能量的收集效果最大化,大部分都是与建筑物顶部成60度的位置安放太阳能电池。 有关太阳能电池发电的更多的信息,可以查询Cooler Planets的太阳能电池如何工作。朝南方向的太阳能板能使能量的收集效果最大化,大部分都是与建筑物顶部成60度的位置安放太阳能电池。1.3 太阳能电池板与光伏建筑一体化 太阳能电池板是用于捕获太阳光的平面板,他们以阵列的形式安装在建筑物顶部或者柱子上。 他们是传统的用于获得太阳能的阵列形式。 鉴于它们独立竖立的设计,太阳能电池板非常适用于家庭的改进和改型使用。 然而太阳能电池越来越多地被合并到像窗户,墙面,或者屋顶瓦片之类的大厦组件中

4、。由于光伏建筑一体化的组件本身就隐藏在住宅的表面,这个效果与大厦设计提供一种无缝的整合。 光电一体化产品对于新的住宅建筑或者有效地改型运行特别的好。由于光伏建筑一体化板既用于光电又用于热能的收集,设计者往往将这两种技术板并行放置以获得更深一层的最大效率。 关于更多的太阳能电力支出信息可以访问太阳能动力支出或者访问太阳能动力融支选择获得关于如何对系统付费的信息。2 三菱(日本公司)太阳能板的优势太阳能电池板都是针对低成本、环保以及较低电费这三个人们关于用电量的最基本的问题而研制的。当今的大多数太阳能电池板一般都回答了这些问题,然而三菱电器试图通过他们对材料的继续研究以及技术的创新使用来最大限度地




8、创新和应用设计齐头并进。通过适当的咨询协商以及在轻巧灵活的太阳能板的选择,有望让这些光伏太阳能组件进入更多的家庭和建筑。翻译原文Photovoltaic (PV) Electric SystemsPhotovoltaic systems use solar cells to capture the sun rays and convert that energy into electricity. Such systems allow homeowners to generate electricity in a clean, reliable, and quiet way that can

9、offset the cost of future electricity costs and decrease their dependence on the energy grid. Photovoltaic cells are generally made from modified silicon, or other semi conductive materials, that absorb and convert sunlight into electricity. Photovoltaic cells are long lasting (the first PV system e

10、ver installed in the USA in 1954 is still operating today). Most manufacturers warranty their products power output for a minimum of 20 years. But most solar professionals agree that a system should last at least 25 30 years. Types of Solar CellsThere are three basic types of PV modules: monocrystal

11、line, polycrystalline, and thin-film. All modules work well though monocrystalline cells often yield the greatest efficiencies. Thin-film technology typically costs less and its efficiency is ever improving as demand for solar panels grow. A growing variety of manufacturers and models are available

12、in the marketplace today. A solar pro can walk you through the advantages and disadvantages of each system so that you find a design that performs optimally over its multi-decade long lifespan for your application. How solar electric systems workPhotovoltaic panels are often mounted on a roof and wi

13、red into a building via an inverter. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) energy generated through the solar panels into alternating current (AC), the most common type of current used to power buildings in the USA. Orienting solar panels to the south maximizes the effectiveness of energy co

14、llection, and most roofs from flat to 60-degrees can accommodate photovoltaic cells. For more detailed information on how PV cells generate electricity, check out Cooler Planets How Photovoltaic Cells Work page. Orienting solar panels to the south maximizes the effectiveness of energy collection, an

15、d most roofs from flat to 60-degrees can accommodate photovoltaic cells. Solar Panels vs Building Integrated Photovoltaic Products (BIPV)Solar panels are flat panels of photovoltaic arrays mounted on a roof or a pole to capture the suns rays. They are the traditional arrays used to catch energy from

16、 the sun. Because of their standalone design, solar panels are well suited for home retrofits or remodels. Solar photovoltaic cells, however, are increasingly incorporated into building components such as windows, walls, or roof tiles. The effect provides a seamless integration into a buildings desi

17、gn since the BIPV components essentially disappear into the skin of your home. BIPV products work particularly well for new home construction or a significant remodel. And because BIPV panels are made for both photovoltaic and thermal collection systems, designers often place both technologies side-

18、by-side to further maximize efficiencies. For more information about solar electric costs, visit our Solar Power Cost page or visit our Solar Power Financing Options page for information on how to pay for your system. The Advantages of Mitsubishi Solar Panels10/6/2010Solar panels are made to respond

19、 to three of the most basic concerns people have about electricity use such are cost-efficiency, environmental protection, and lower electric bills. While most solar panels of today generally answer these concerns, Mitsubishi Electric tries to go a little further through their continuing research fo

20、r innovative use of materials and technology to maximize solar energy for home or office electric use.Early this year, Mitsubishi made a solar cell that is able to produce the highest conversion efficiency rate of 18.6 percent using new technology based on serious research on photovoltaic technology

21、. Removing lead and allowing expanded light reflection goes for improved efficiency as well as environmental preservation with the solder-coatingless cells.Fine grid electrodes to expand the light-receiving area were also developed by Mitsubishi for their solar panels while their back surface field

22、structure was improved. To lessen the reflection of sunlight from the module, anti-reflective coating was also used as well as a unique bus bar design was integrated to reduce resistance. The solar panels also used high transmittance glass that are cerium-free, and a high reflectance back film which

23、 accelerates reflection power to 90 percent.Mitsubishi solar panels were also developed and mostly relied on by many users for their reliability and durability. Requiring little or no maintenance, these solar modules have guaranteed use of twenty years or more. Many owners of houses and buildings ha

24、ve reported to still use them as efficiently as they still had them the first time over twenty years ago. Solar panels as alternative sources of electricity for common house or building facilities or appliances contribute to over 80 percent of overall electric use, making it more popular for energy-

25、conscious home or building owners.Mitsubishi solar panels are also known for their durability and reliability because of the use of special materials and built-in features that enhance their use as well as providing the most reliable convertible energy sources to people. To reduce the stress on tab

26、wiring, straight tabs are used; while to avoid reduction of electric when dust begins to thicken on the module corners, increased between the module framed and the bus bar is observed; and to prevent corrosion, anodized aluminum frames are used with clear coating.With the continuing research and tec

27、hnology innovation being made to improve and develop better solar panels, more and more people are turning to solar panel as their alternative energy source. With the flexibility, low maintenance, reliability, and cost-efficiency that these solar energy tools afford people, it is expected that more

28、will resort to using these in their homes, offices, and other buildings. Building owners who are looking for ways to cut down on their electrical expenses have adopted this alternative energy approach with some even integrating the panels design with their own building, rather enhancing or making th

29、e building more attractive. Other manufacturers are also accommodating homeowners who wish to use these as well by following the contour or roofing designs of the houses with their roof-mounted solar panels.Mitsubishi solar panels are not far behind with these modern innovations and design adaptation. With the proper consultation and choice among their line of flexible solar panels, having these PV modules in more homes and buildings at a greater number should not be impossible. . .此处忽略!8


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