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1、冰雪奇缘Director(导演)Chris Buck(克里斯克里斯.巴克巴克)Jennifer Lee(詹妮弗詹妮弗.李李)ThismovieisbasedonHansChristianAndersens(汉斯.克里斯蒂安.安徒生)fairytale(童话故事).Elsa(Elsa(艾莎艾莎艾莎艾莎),princess ofprincess ofArendelle (阿伦黛尔阿伦黛尔),possesses the magic abilityto create ice and snow.One night while playing,One night while playing,she she

2、 accidently knocked accidently knocked outout (使昏迷使昏迷使昏迷使昏迷)her younger)her younger sister,Anna(sister,Anna(安娜安娜安娜安娜 ).).troll(地精地精)the king and queensought help from trolls,who healed Anna andremoved her memories of her sisters magic.In order to protect their children and other people,the king and

3、the queen isolated(隔离隔离)their children in the castle(城堡城堡)until Elsa learned to control her powers.As they grew up,there was a rift(裂缝、隔阂裂缝、隔阂)between the two girls.When the girls were teenagers,their parents diedat sea during a storm.when Elsa came of age,the kingdom(王国王国)prepared for her coronatio

4、n(加冕典礼加冕典礼).the prince(王子王子)of the southern islet(小岛小岛)Hans(汉斯汉斯)Excited to be allowed out of the castle again,Anna explored Anna explored the town and met the town and met prince Hans,and the prince Hans,and the two immediately two immediately developed a developed a mutual mutual attraction attrac

5、tion(相互吸引相互吸引相互吸引相互吸引).).Anna got married to Hans.However,Elsarefusedtogiveherblessing(祝福)andforbadetheirsuddenmarriage.Thetwosistersargued,culminatingin(导致)Elsasabilitiesbeingexposed.Elsawasveryangry.Herabilitieswerefound.Shecouldntcontrolhermagic,shebroughtwintertothewholeArendelle.Thepeoplesaidsh

6、ewasasiren(妖女).High in the nearby mountains,she cast off restraint(摆摆脱脱束束缚缚),building herself a solitary(隐隐居的居的)ice palace,and unknowingly brought to life a snowman,Olaf(奥奥拉夫拉夫).an ice palace(宫殿宫殿)a snowman Olaf(雪宝雪宝)Meanwhile,Anna set out in search of her sister,determined to return her to Arendell

7、e,end the winter,and mend(修补修补)their relationship.While getting supplies,she metKristoff(克斯托夫克斯托夫)and his reindeer(驯鹿驯鹿)Sven.She convinced him to guide her up the North Mountain.The group then encountered(遇到遇到)Olaf,who led them to Elsas hideaway(隐藏处隐藏处).Anna and Elsa reunited(团聚)(团聚),but Elsa still

8、feared hurting her sister.Anna persisted (坚持坚持)in persuading(劝说)(劝说)Elsa to return.Elsa became agitated(暴怒暴怒)and accidently struck(打击打击)Anna in the heart with her power.Then she made a giant(巨大的)(巨大的)snow creature(雪怪雪怪)and let it run them away.KristoffnoticedAnnashairwasturningwhite.Helookedforhelpf

9、romtrolls.ThetrollstoldKristoffthatAnnashearthadbeenfrozenandshewoulddie.Only“Actoftruelove”(真爱)cansaveAnna.In a battle against(对抗对抗)Elsa,Elsa was knocked unconscious(失去知觉的失去知觉的)and imprisoned(关押关押)back at the kingdom.Hans asked Elsa to bring summer to Arendelle.Elsa refused to do it and she didnt k

10、now how to do it.Because she didnt know how to control her power.Hansrefusedtosaveher.HetoldothersthatAnnawasdeadandtheygotmarriedbeforeshedied.HanswantedtokillElsaandAnna,becausehewantedtobethekingofArendelle.ElsaandAnnaescapedfromthecastle.WhenAnnasawHanswouldkillElsa,shethrewherselfbetweenthetwo.

11、ShesavedElsa,butshewasfrozenanddead.Elsa realized love was the key to control her powers.She saved Anna,brought summer to Arendelle and helped Olaf survive(存活存活)in summer.HanswassentbacktotheSouthernislettofacepunishment(惩罚).AnnaandKristoffsharedakiss.thetwosistersreconciled(和好).Elsapromisednevertoshutthecastlegateagain.音乐欣赏音乐欣赏音乐欣赏LetitgoLet it go电影原版电影原版 Idina Menzel Idina Menzel 中文版中文版 姚贝娜姚贝娜 韩文版韩文版 金孝琳金孝琳(sistarsistar)日文版日文版 松隆子松隆子 Thank you !


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