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1、 Topic 2Section CIf You Are HappyIf youre happy and you know it clap your hands.If youre happy and you know it clap your hands.If youre happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it.If youre happy and you know it clap your handsIf youre happy and you know it stomp your feet.If youre happy and you

2、 know it stomp your feet.If youre happy and you know it Never be afraid to show it.If youre happy and you know it stomp your feet.Lets chantWash your hands,have a bath.Open the window,take a fresh breath.Early to bed,early to rise.Makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.we must /shouldwe mustnt/shouldn

3、tgood habitsbad habitsBad habits may cause some diseases.a headache1.A headache is a disease.2.A headache may show that something in your body is wrong.3.We may have more than one headache each week.4.You neednt see the doctor when you have headaches often.T or FisntmonthneedWhat may cause headaches

4、?Question:What are headaches?What may cause(导致导致)them?And when should you go to see a doctor?A headache is not a disease(疾病,病疾病,病),but it may show that something in your body is wrong.You may have more than(不只不只)one headache each month.Usually a fever or some other illness(疾病疾病)may cause headaches.Y

5、ou may get a headache when you work too hard.You may get a headache when you cant get enough sleep.And you may get a headache when you exercise on an empty(空的空的)stomach(胃胃).If you have headache often,you need to see a doctor.HeadachesRead and understandWhat may cause headaches?A fever or some other

6、illness may cause headachesWorking too hard may cause headaches You may get a headache when you cant get enough sleepExercising on an empty stomach may cause headaches What else may cause headaches?Discuss in groupsSomeone smokes a lot around you.It is too hot.watch TV for too long.A headache is not

7、 a disease,but some diseases may cause headaches.germs 病菌病菌diseasesheadachesThey can get into the human body and cause diseases.They can get into the human body through the nose.They can get into the human body through the mouth.They can get into the human body through the skin(皮肤皮肤).germs smallget

8、intocausethrough the nosethrough the mouththrough the skinbecome sickRead and act PracticeA:What should we do to fight germs?B:We should/must We shouldnt/mustntWe should/must keep the air clean and freshWe shouldnt/mustnt eat bad food.What should we do to fight germs?Sweep the floors oftendrink sour

9、 milkkeep our bodies cleanwash your hands before mealskeep our fingernails cleankeep the streets cleanA:What should we do to fight germs?B:We must /shouldWe mustnt/shouldntWe should sweep the floors oftenWe shouldnt drink sour milkWe should/must keep our bodies cleanWe should keep our fingernails cleanWe must keep the streets cleanWe must wash our hands before mealsPay attention to hygiene and reduce the incidence of disease.讲究卫生,减少疾病讲究卫生,减少疾病Write at least five sentences about how to fight germs.


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