人教版初二11单元43课Keep Healthy.ppt

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1、Keep Healthy!AimsHabitsQuestions Discussion homeworkRevisionKeep Healthy!Lesson 43,Unit 11May 18,2001Teaching Aims1.Go over what we learned last time;2.Talk about some habits;3.Practise and do some exercises.RevisionWhat day is it today?What day was it yesterday?What is the date of today?What was th

2、e date of yesterday?It is Friday.It is Thursday.It is Friday.It is May 18.It was May 17.Where is/was?Jack-at the shop Lucy-at the hospitalJane-at the schoolJim-in the officeTom-at the hotelLily-in the post officeTalk about Mr.Smitha doctor;work in the city hospitalgo to work by bus every dayTalk abo

3、ut Mr.Smithyesterday;very busyat 8 in the morning;at the hospitalat 10 in the morning;at the car factoryTalk about Mr.Smithat 1 in the afternoon;work in a villageat 3 in the afternoon;in a classroom of the villageTalk about Mr.Smithat 5 in the afternoon;work in his officeat 5:45 in the afternoon;at

4、a meetingTalk about Mr.Smithat 9 in the evening;at the food shop;want something to eatat 10 in the evening;at home;be readingHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?watching TV too muchHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?getting up lateHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad

5、for your health?having breakfastHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?running after breakfastHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?doing morning exerciseHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?reading in the sunHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your heal

6、th?eating too muchHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?playing basketballright after lunch?Habits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?walking after supperHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?reading in bedHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?playing video gamesHabits:Good or bad?Is _ good or bad for your health?Questions&AnswersDiscussionDo you have any bad habits?Do you have some good habits?Homework1.Talk about the pictures:Good or bad?Ex.3,page 43,workbook2.Write something to tell us the habits you have.


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