人教新目标英语八年级unit 9课件.ppt

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1、InternationalSports starWho is he?He is David Beckham.He is a football player.When was he born?He was born in 1975.May 2nd,1975Who is he?He is Michael Jordan.He is a basketball player.When was he born?He was born in 1963.January 3rd,1963Who is that?Thats YaoMing.He is a basketball player.When was he

2、 born?He was born in 1980.September 12nd,1980Whos that?Thats GuoJingjing.She is a diver.When was she born?She was born in 1981.October 15th,1981 He was born in 1983.When was he born?He won gold medals.He broke world record(世界记录)世界记录)July 13th,1983 When was he born?He was bornWhen were you born?I was

3、 born in Dec.1980.on Dec.12,1980.in 1983.in May 1983.on May 22,1983.in 1980.Pair work:A:Whos that?B:Thats A:What does he/she do?B:He/Shes a/an A:When was he/she born?B:He/She was born in A:When were you born?B:I was born on1bListen and write the year the sports star was born under each photo.1963198

4、01975international sports starsPair work:Born:1973start:1990stop:1998How long:8 Born:1960start:1973stop:1989How long:17 A:When was she born?B:She was born in A:When did she start playing?B:She started in A:When did she stop?B:She stopped inA:How long did she play?B:She played for hiccupHow long did he hiccup?He hiccupped for a day.sneeze How long did she sneeze?She sneezed for one minute.2aListen and fill in the“How long”column in the chart.2bListen again and fill in the“Started”and“Stopped”columns in the chart above.978 days19221981,1,1319901983,9,16


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