人教新目标版八年级下册 Unit7 Period1 PPT课件.ppt

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1、Chen MissWould you mind telling me your?Xiaoxin,Xiaoxin,w would you mindould you mind turnturninging down the music?down the music?turn down the music你介意你介意吗?吗?Im sorry.Ill do it right away.立刻立刻(最有礼貌的方式最有礼貌的方式最有礼貌的方式最有礼貌的方式)(有礼貌的方式有礼貌的方式有礼貌的方式有礼貌的方式)clean your roomWould you mind cleaning your room?S

2、orry.Ill do it right away.clean the yardyard(院子院子)the yardWould you mind looking and saying?Would you mind moving your bike?move your bikeNot at all.Ill do it right away.不,一点也不。不,一点也不。do the dishesWould you mind doing the dishes?OK.Ill do them in a minute.=right awayWould you mindWould you mind getg

3、ettingting out of the bathroom?out of the bathroom?Sorry.I wont be long.get out of the bathroomOK,mom.Ill get up now.Would you mind ting?get up play baseballWould you mind not playing baseball here?Sorry.Well go and play in the park.Would you mind(not)+V-ing?clean your roomget updo the dishesmove yo

4、ur bikeget out of the bathroomclean the yardturn down the musicNot at all./Sorry.Ill do it right away(in a minute).not play baseball hereing tinging ing ting ing inging Would you mind?turning down the musiccleaning the yardmoving your bikenot playing baseball Would you mind trying to find out four t

5、hings that bother(烦扰烦扰)them?Neighbors(邻居邻居)a.Would you mind cleaning the yard?_b.Would you mind not playing baseball here?_c.Would you mind moving your bike?_d.Would you mind turning down the music?_1b Listen and number the requests in the order you hear them.2431Conversation 1Conversation 1Woman 1:

6、Woman 1:Would you mind _down the music?Would you mind _down the music?Woman 2:Woman 2:No,_(No,_(一点也不一点也不一点也不一点也不).).Conversation 2Conversation 2Man 1:Man 1:Would you Would you mind_themind_the yard?yard?Man 2:Man 2:Sorry.Ill do it _(Sorry.Ill do it _(马上马上马上马上).).Conversation 3Conversation 3Man 1:Man

7、 1:Would you mind _your bike?Would you mind _your bike?Boy 1:Boy 1:Not at all.Ill do it right away.Not at all.Ill do it right away.Conversation 4Conversation 4Man 1:Man 1:Would you mind _baseball here?Would you mind _baseball here?Boy 2:Boy 2:Were sorry.Well go and play in the park.Were sorry.Well g

8、o and play in the park.Tapescriptturnturningingnot at allnot at all cleancleaningingright awayright awaymovmovingingnot not playplayingingTrouble2:Some students dont finish the homework on time(准时准时)Make some requests politely(礼貌地提出请求礼貌地提出请求)“Would you mind doing.?”Trouble(烦恼烦恼)1:Some students dont

9、listen to the teacher carefullyWould you mind listeningWould you mind finishingTrouble 4:Some students play football in the classroomTrouble 3:Some students copy others homework.Would you mind not copying others homework?“Would you mind not doing.?”Trouble 6:Some students wear those old jeansTrouble

10、5:Some students play computer games too lateWould you mind not playingWould you mind not playingWould you mind not wearing_Sarah,would you mind doing the dishes?_Jenny,would you mind cleaning your room?_Nick,would you mind not wearing those old jeans?_Nancy,would you mind getting out of the bathroom

11、?_Pete,would you mind getting up?Would you mind listening and numbering the pictures(1-5).123452a 1._ Sorry.I wont be long.2._ I m sorry.Ill do it right away.3._OK.Ill do them in a minute.4._OK.Ill put on another pair.5._OK,dad.Ill get up now.dcabev Would you mind doing the dishes?vWould you mind cl

12、eaning your room?vWould you mind not wearing those old jeans?vWould you mind getting out of the bathroom?v Would you mind getting up?Would you mind listening and matching the requests with the answers.2bConversation 1Man:Man:Pete,would you mind getting up?Its eleven oclock!Pete,would you mind gettin

13、g up?Its eleven oclock!You have to clean the yard!You have to clean the yard!Pete:Pete:Ok,Dad.Ill get up now.Ok,Dad.Ill get up now.Conversation 2Woman:Woman:Nick,would you mind not wearing those old Nick,would you mind not wearing those old jeans?They look terrible.jeans?They look terrible.Nick:Nick

14、:OK.Ill put on another pair.OK.Ill put on another pair.Conversation 3Girl 1:Girl 1:Nancy,would you mind getting out of the Nancy,would you mind getting out of the bathroom?bathroom?I need to take a shower.I need to take a shower.Nancy:Nancy:Sorry.I wont be long.Sorry.I wont be long.Conversation 4Wom

15、an:Woman:Jenny,would you mind cleaning your room?Jenny,would you mind cleaning your room?Jenny:Jenny:Im sorry.Ill do it right away.Im sorry.Ill do it right away.Conversation 5Man:Man:Sarah,would you mind doing the dishes?Sarah,would you mind doing the dishes?Sarah:Sarah:OK.Ill do them in a minute.OK

16、.Ill do them in a minute.Would you mind cleaning the room?PairworkNot at all.Of course not.Certainly not.Sorry.I will do it right away.in a minuteI willWould you mind not playing computer?Sorry,I wont do it again.OK.Ill do the dishesdo the dishes,get up get up,get out of the bathroom get out of the

17、bathroom,wear old jeanswear old jeans,clean your roomclean your room,clean the yardclean the yard,move your bikemove your bike,turn down the music turn down the music,play play basketball in the living roombasketball in the living room,speak loudly speak loudly123456Whos lucky?选择一个数字,并完成相应的任务!选择一个数字

18、,并完成相应的任务!Would you mind not fighting?Sorry,we wont do it again.选择一位搭档,一位是老师,一位是选择一位搭档,一位是老师,一位是打架的学生,编一个对话!打架的学生,编一个对话!根据汉语意思填空根据汉语意思填空-Would you mind _(调低调低)the music?-_(一点也不一点也不).turning down Not at all 根据汉语意思填空根据汉语意思填空-_(你介意你介意)moving your bike?-Sorry.I will do it_(马上马上).right away Would you min

19、d 1.Would you mind turning down the music?2.Could you(please)turn down the music?3.Would you please turn down the music?4.I think you should turn down the music.5.Please turn down the music.6.Turn down the music.The most polite(最有礼貌最有礼貌)is:The least polite(最不礼貌最不礼貌)is:No.1No.6Would you mind turning

20、down the music?Would you mind cleaning your room?Would you mind gettWould you mind getting ing out of the bathroom?out of the bathroom?Would you mind moving your bike?Would you mind doing the dishes?Would you mind cleaning the yard?你能找出这些句子的共同点吗?你能找出这些句子的共同点吗?你能找出这些句子的共同点吗?你能找出这些句子的共同点吗?Would you mi

21、nd(not)+V-ing?Would you mind not playing baseball here?Would you mind cleaning the room?你能说出下面问句的一些回答吗?你能说出下面问句的一些回答吗?你能说出下面问句的一些回答吗?你能说出下面问句的一些回答吗?Not at all.Of course not.Certainly not.Sorry.I will do it right away.in a minuteWould you mind not eating in the classroom?Sorry,I wont do it again.1.讨论

22、需要做的事情讨论需要做的事情2.小组长使用下列句型问其他组员小组长使用下列句型问其他组员,编一个对话编一个对话TipsWould you mind organizing a welcome party for Xiaoxin?-Would you mind +V-ing?-Not at all./Of course not./Certainly not.I will do it right away(in a minute).-Im sorry.I have to Because3.小组长汇报各组员将做什么事情小组长汇报各组员将做什么事情小新将要来温州玩,请你为他举行一个欢迎派小新将要来温州玩

23、,请你为他举行一个欢迎派对。四人一组,讨论如何分工合作完成任务。对。四人一组,讨论如何分工合作完成任务。In my group,I will clean the room.Mike will sing a song at the party.Jim will_.And _Keep silent保持沉默保持沉默Quarrel吵架吵架Make requests politely礼貌请求礼貌请求 Different ways to deal with(处理处理)troubleA ABCPoliteness costs nothing and gains everything.礼貌无所失,却得到一切。礼貌无所失,却得到一切。1.Finish the exercises in Section A.2.Choose one of them(选做一题选做一题)A.Write down at least 4 sentences using would you mind?B.Make up a dialogue using would you mind?


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