人教新目标版八年级下册 Unit7 Section A Period1 PPT课件.ppt

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1、Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?湾里二中:符莉湾里二中:符莉Section APeriod OneWords previewnot at allturn downyardright away一点也不一点也不把把调低调低;关小关小院子院子立刻立刻;马上马上I think it is a little bit hot in our classroom and I want to ask someone to open the window.What can I say?I can say 1.Could you please open th

2、e window?2.Would you please open the window?3.Would you like to open the window?4.Why dont you open the window?5.Why not open the window?A new expression:Would you mind opening the window?sweep the floor get up earlycook for usWould you mind.?Look and sayplay the computer gamesWould you mind not.?lo

3、ok out of the windowplay soccer hereabcdMatch the requests with the people in the picture.(1a)_ a.Would you mind cleaning the yard?_ b.Would you mind not playing baseball here?_ c.Would you mind moving your bike?_ d.Would you mind turning down the music?1234 Listen and number the requests above in t

4、he order you hear them.(1b)1.A:_turning down the music?B:No,_.2.A:Would you mind_ the yard?B:Sorry.Ill do it_.3.A:Would you mind_ your bike?B:Not at all.Ill do it right away.4.A:Would you mind_ baseball here?B:Were sorry.We_ and play in the park.Listen again and fill in the blanks.Would you mindnot

5、at allcleaningright away movingnot playingll goListen and number the pictures in the order you hear them.(2a)_ a.Sarah,would you mind doing the dishes?_ b.Nick,would you mind not wearing those old jeans?_ c.Jenny,would you mind cleaning your room?_ d.Nancy,would you mind getting out of the bathroom?

6、_ e.Pete,would you mind getting up?245131._ Sorry.I wont be long.2._ Im sorry.Ill do it right away.3._ OK.Ill do them in a minute.4._ OK.Ill put on another pair.5._ OK,dad.Ill get up now.dcabeListen again.Match the requests in activity 2a with the responses below.(2b)A:Would you mind moving your bik

7、e?B:Sorry.Ill do it right away.A:Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?They look terrible.B:Ok.Ill put on another pair.Pair workLook at the pictures of 1a and 2a,make conversations in pairs.Requests and Responses-Would you mind cleaning your room?-Im sorry.Ill do it right away.-Would you mind n

8、ot playing baseball here?-Sorry.Well go and play in the park.-Would you mind moving your car?-No,not at all.根据汉语意思填空。根据汉语意思填空。1.I will have a meeting_(马上马上).2.If you _(插队插队),others will not be pleased.3.Doing morning exercises is_ (对对有好处有好处)our health.4.When we got to the cinema,the tickets had been

9、_(卖完卖完).5.After the camp all the students felt _(激动的激动的).right away cut in linegood for sold out excitedTranslate and write them down.1.-你介意挪动你的车吗?你介意挪动你的车吗?-不,一点也不。不,一点也不。2.-你能清洗这些餐具吗?你能清洗这些餐具吗?-好的,我很快就洗。好的,我很快就洗。-Would you mind moving your car?-No,not at all.-Could you please wash the dishes?-Ok.Ill do them in a minute.


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