新目标七年级下Unit8 1a-3a PPT课件.ppt

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1、1.noodles _2.beef _3.mutton _4.chicken _5.cabbage _6.potatoes _7.tomatoes _Match the words with the foods.1acagdfebId like some noodles.Unit 81bListen.Check()the noodles that the person orders._Special 1 _ Special 2 _ Special 3Id like a bowl of noodles,(1)Id like ,and (2)(3)noodles,please.(4)Id like

2、 a bowl.(5)Id like and noodles,(6)(7)please.largechickenpotatocabbagemediumbeeftomato There are all kinds of food and drink pictures.Lets divide them into two groups:(1)Countable nouns(可数名词可数名词)(2)Uncountable nouns(不可数名词不可数名词)Grammar Focus (1)Countable nouns(可数名词可数名词):noodles,dumplings,cakes,eggs,ha

3、mburgers,salad,French fries,sandwiches,ice creams,hot dogs,apples,pears,bananas,grapes,strawberries,cabbages,potatoes,tomatoes,onions,oranges,chickens (2)Uncountable nouns(不可数名词不可数名词):):rice,meat,beef,pork,chicken,fish,green tea,salad,mutton,broccoli,porridge,soup,juice,cabbage Grammar FocusCountabl

4、e nounsUncountable nounspotatoestomatoesbananasstrawberriesappleseggsorangesbeefmuttonchickenfishriceorange juicegreen teaTask2:Do Section A 3aACEBMake a dialogue with your partner:A:What kind of would you like?B:Id like.A:What kind of A:What kind of foodfood would you likewould you like?noodlesdump

5、lingsricehamburgersB B:I Id liked like some noodles/ricesome noodles/rice.A:What kind of vegetables would you like?potatoesbroccolicarrotstomatoesonionscabbagesB:Id like some carrots/broccoli.A:What kind of would you like?beefmuttonchickenfishB:Id like some beef.meatWhat kind of noodles would you li

6、ke?Id like beef noodles.beef and tomato noodles.chicken and cabbage noodles.mutton and potato noodles.Special 1Special 2Special 3A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:Id like chicken and cabbage noodles.A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:Id like mutton and potato noodles.A:What kind of noodle

7、s would you like?B:Id like tomato and egg noodles.A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:Id like beef and carrot noodles.Bananas RMB 0.5WatermelonRMB 0.5OrangesRMB 0.8Peaches RMB 0.8Apples RMB 0.7 Lets go shopping!Beef Beef and carrot carrotsmallmedium largeMutton and potato Chicken and cabbageTomato and eggNoodles Menu 5 7 10 4 6 8 5 6 8 3 5 7RMBRMBRMBRMB1.Collect ads for food and restaurants and make one if you can.(收集食品及餐馆的广收集食品及餐馆的广告,可能的话自己试着设计一份。告,可能的话自己试着设计一份。)2.Ask your parents about what and where they want to eat.(了解你父母喜欢的食品了解你父母喜欢的食品及餐馆及餐馆,去问问他们吧!)去问问他们吧!)


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