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1、Id like some noodles.Go for it Unit 8Go for it Unit 8Period 3 would like=want 想要想要 would like to do =want to do 想要想要做做 2.他想要打篮球。他想要打篮球。H e wants to play basketball.He would like to play basketball.1.我想要去看电影。我想要去看电影。I want to go to the movies=I would like to go to the movies.What kind of noodles woul

2、d you like?Id likeWhat size bowl of noodles would you like?Id like.large mediumlargesmallAct in groups or pairs as the waiter(服务员)服务员)and the customers(顾客)顾客).The boy would like a large bowl noodles,and hed like chicken,potato and cabbage noodles.But the girl would like a medium bowl,and shed like b

3、eef and tomato noodles,please.waiterboy girlW:What can I do _you?B,G:We _like some noodles?w:What _bowl of noodles would you like?B:Id like a_ bowl of noodles.w:And what _of noodles would you like?B:_ _chicken,potato and cabbage noodles.W:And how/what _you?G:Id like a _bowl.W:_kind would you like?G:

4、Id like beef and tomato_ ,please.size large kind Id likeaboutmediumWhatnoodlesLook,the boy and the girl are in the noodle house:forwouldSpecial 1Special 2Special 3Task:Role-playOrder food in a noodle house(分别扮演顾客和服务员,编排对话分别扮演顾客和服务员,编排对话)Task:Do Section A 3aACEBRead this dialogue:A:Can I help you?/Wh

5、at can I do for you?B:Id like some noodles,please.A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:What kind of noodles do you have?A:We have beef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,tomato.B:Ok,Id like mutton and potato noodles,please.A:Sure.And what size would you like?B:What sizes do you have?A:We have small,me

6、dium and large.B:Oh,a medium bowl,please.Read this dialogue:A:What can I_ _ you?B:Id _some noodles,please.A:What kind of noodles _you like?B:What kind of noodles do you_?A:We _beef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,tomato.B:Ok,_mutton and potato noodles,_.A:Sure.And what _would you like?B:_sizes do you

7、have?A:We have small,medium and_.B:Oh,a medium_,please.dolike would havehaveplease size largebowlId likeWhatforA:What can I do for you?B:Id like some noodles.A:This way,please.(请走这边。)请走这边。)What kind of noodles would you like?B:Id like beef and tomatoes.A:What size would you like?B:Id like a large on

8、e,please.A:What else(别的)别的)would you like?B:Orange juice,please.A:OK.Wait a moment,please.(.)Here you are.B:How much is it?A:Its 10 dollars.B:Here is the money.Thank you.A:Youre welcome.B:Bye!A:Can I help you?B/C:Yes,wed like some fruit.A:What kind of fruit would you like?B:Id like some apples.A:How

9、 about you?C:I want some bananas.A:How many do you want?B:We want a kilo of them.C:How much are they?A:They are 5 yuan.B:Ok,here is the money.Thank you!A:Youre welcome!B:Bye!Lets go shopping!OK?Apples RMB 3Bananas RMB 2Welcome to Can I help you?This way,please.(请走这边。请走这边。)Heres the menu.(这是这是菜单菜单。)。

10、)What kind of would you like?What size would you like?Is that all?(够了吗?)够了吗?)Wait a minute,please.(请稍等。请稍等。)What else(别的)别的)would you like?Id like Id like a table for two.(双人桌)双人桌)How much is it,please?MENU fish mutton beef chicken tomatoes potatoes cabbages onion soup green tea orange juice rice no

11、odles dumplings porridgeWhich do you think is healthy food?Which is junk food(垃圾食品)垃圾食品)?To keep healthy,we should eat more _ we should eat less_.Its good to have a glass of milk,some bread,porridge,an apple and an egg for breakfast.配制一份一日三餐健康的菜谱配制一份一日三餐健康的菜谱For example:What is it good to have for b

12、reakfast/lunch/supper?()1.What would you like to_?-A large hamburger,please.A.have B.drink C.sell D.eating()2.I dont like mutton_beef.-I dont like mutton,_I like beef a lot.A.and,but B.and,and C.or,but D.or,a nd()3.The noodles with orange juice_only 1.5 dollars.A.is B.are C.for D.with()4.How much_yo

13、ur shoes?A.is B.are C.be D.amACBB()1.My family usually_bread,eggs and milk_breakfast.A.has,for B.eat,for C.have,for D.has,on()2.What size shoes do you wear?-_.A.Small shoes B.Size 36 C.36 size D.Big shoes()3.Would you like_onion?-No,thanks.I dont like_.A.some,some B.some,any C.any,any D.any,someABB(

14、)1.-Would you like some tea?-_.Im very thirsty.A.No,thanks B.Yes,please C.Yes,I would D.Yes,Id like to()2.-_would he like_breakfast?-Some porridge.A.Why,for B.What,for C.What,to D.Why,to()3.Would you like to help us?-Yes,_.A.I would B.I do C.Id like D.Id like to()4.Would you like some chicken?-No,_.A.I dont B.I wouldnt C.Id not D.thanksBBDD填入适当的量词填空(每词限用一次):box,glass,cup,piece,basket,plate,bowl,bottle1.a_ of water2.a_of tea3.a_ of milk 4.a_ of food5.a_ of bread6.a_ of meat7.a_ of rice8.a_ of booksThank youThank you


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