新目标七年级下册Unit8 Section A PPT课件.ppt

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1、Unit 8 Id like some noodles昌吉市第四中学昌吉市第四中学授课人授课人:杜雯岚杜雯岚Section AApple round,apple red.Apple juicy,apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.chickenbeefmuttonMeatcabbage potatoes tomatoes carrotsonionsVegetablesgreen beansmushroomsceleryeggplantgreen pepperI would like chicken.=I wa

2、nt chicken.Id like chicken.What would you like?你想要点什么你想要点什么?I would=IdWhat would you like?Id likeWhat would you like?What would you like?Id likeId likeWhat would they like?What would she like?What would he like?Theyd likeShed likeHed likeWhat kind of noodles would you like?Id like beef and tomato no

3、odles.我想吃牛肉西红柿面我想吃牛肉西红柿面.你想吃什么种类的面条你想吃什么种类的面条?a small bowla medium bowla large bowlsizesizeWhat size bowl of What size bowl of noodles would younoodles would youlike?like?Boy:Id like a _bowl of noodles.Boy:Id like a_bowl of noodles.And what kind of noodles would you like?Boy:Id like _,_and_ noodles,

4、please.Boy:Id like a _bowl of noodles.Boy:Id like a _bowl of noodles.And how aboutAnd how about you?you?Boy:Id like _,_and_Boy:Id like _,_and_ noodles,please.noodles,please.Girl:Id like a _bowl.Girl:Id like a _bowl.Boy:Id like a_bowl of noodles.What kind wouldWhat kind would you like?you like?Boy:Id

5、 like _,_and_noodles.Girl:Id like a _bowl.Girl:Id like _and_noodles,please.Hed like a_bowl of noodles.Hed like _,_and_noodles.Shed like a _bowl.Shed like _and_noodles,please.largechickenpotatocabbagemediumbeeftomatoLanguages you need:1、Can I help you?Yes,please.2、What kind of noodles would you like?

6、3、Id like beef and potato noodles.4、What size would you like?5、Id like a large bowl.6、Wait a minute,please.7、How much is it?8、Here you are.Noodle HouseWhat kind of _ would you like?We have two kinds of _.noodlesnoodlesBeeftomatoeggMuttoncarrotonionmediumgreen tea2、_ ,_ and _ noodles.1、_ ,_ and _ noodles.And what size of noodles would you like?Small_or large?And we also have_for you.


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