七年级英语上学期Unit 6 Period 8新目标.ppt

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1、Book 1 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Do you like salad?an applea pearan orange a strawberrybananasa lemonpersimmonsgrapespeachesa cherrya melona water melonan pineapplea kiwimangosteensstar fruita durianbroccolitomatoespeascarrotsmushroomsgreen peppercauliflowercucumbersan onionDo you like them?a hambu

2、rgera hotdoga box of milkchocolateice creampizzaTask:Make a menu Look at the form.From it we can know what Linda likes and dislikes.likesdoesnt likemilk,hotdogs,eggs,tomatoes,chicken,fish,fruit,rice,salad,broccoliFrench fries,hamburgersMenu for LindamealsSaturdaySundaybreakfastlunchdinnerTalk showTa

3、lk about what food your family like and dislike.Then say something about your meals.InterviewQuestions I want to ask him:1.Do you like singing?Do you want to be a singing star?2.Do you want to go to college?3.Do you like fruit or vegetables?4.Do you like playing computer games?5.Do you have a girl f

4、riend?Pairwork:Make suggestionsA wants to buy a gift for his/her friend.But he/she doesnt know what to buy.So he/she asks B to help him/her.Make conversations in pairs.一、词汇一、词汇1.本单元应该掌握的词汇本单元应该掌握的词汇like,banana,orange,apple,strawberry,tomato,broccoli,salad,hamburger,carrot,egg,ice cream,chicken,desse

5、rt,French fries,fruit,vegetable,breakfast,lunch,dinner,runner,eat,lot,lots of,healthy,food,list2.本单元可以扩展的词汇本单元可以扩展的词汇peach,pear,melon,grape,plum,lemon,lychee,pineapple,kiwi,pomelo,longan,star fruit,pomegranate,mangosteen,papaya,durian,cauliflowergingko,pea,mushroom,onion,green pepper,cucumber,olive,

6、二、句子二、句子1.本单元应该掌握的句子本单元应该掌握的句子1)Do you like hamburgers?Yes,I do./No,I dont.2)I like French fries.3)I dont like tomatoes.4)Does he like strawberries?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.5)Lets have ice cream.2.本单元要求熟悉的句子本单元要求熟悉的句子1)She likes ice cream.She doesnt like bananas.2)For breakfast,she likes eggs,bananas,and apples3.本单元可以扩展的句子本单元可以扩展的句子1.Whats your favorite fruit/vegetable/food?2.Do you often have milk for breakfast?3.What do you often have for lunch?4.Do you want to have an apple?


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