七年级英语上学期Unit 2 Period 3新目标.ppt

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1、ThursdaySeptember,28thIts fine/sunny.GrammarFocusIs this your pencil?Yes,it is.Is this my pen?Is that his book?Is that her eraser?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.Yes,it is.What is this?Its akey.Its akey.What colour isit?Itsred.Itsred.Is this yourkey?Yes,itis.Yes,itis.Listen and fill in the chart.KelseyMikewat

2、chID cardpenbaseballLETS PLAY A GAMEA:Whats this?B:Is that a pen?A:Yes/Noringdictionarya set of keysnotebookwatchComputer gamebaseballFound:Is this your backpack?Come to Class 9,Grade 1.BobLost:My ID card is lost.Please call me 1386575412 JimAnn:Is your ring in the lost and found case?NickAnns ring

3、is lost.She can go to _.Tims backpack is lost.He can go to _.Jack finds an ID card.He can call _.at 529-6403(4)Call David(3)A set of keys.Please(2)Found:(1)Is this your notebook?(3)Phone#235-0285 (5)Found:(1)Please call Mary.(4)Notebook.(2)Put the pieces in order:Put in order to make a messageMy nam

4、e is Jack.A backpack.Found:Phone number 63017047.at 63752148.Please call CindyMy notebook.Lost:Found:A backpack.My name is Jack.Phone number 63017047.Lost:My notebook.Please call Cindy at 63752148.请根据下列提示写请根据下列提示写2篇失物招领启示篇失物招领启示1.Grace 的学生证的学生证(school ID card)丢了丢了,她的电话是她的电话是978523042.Mary 拣到一件夹克衫拣到一件夹克衫,请失主打电话给请失主打电话给88921234Lost:My school ID card.My name is Grace.Please call 97852304Found:Is this your jacket?Please call Mary at88921234.


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