七年级英语上学期unit 1.my name’s.ppt

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1、My names Gina.My names Gina.The Second PeriodTaskIntroduce your group members like this:His name is Her name is My name is(介绍你的小组成员)1._your name?2._name is Jenny.3.Whats _name?-His name is Mike.4._name is Mary.5._ am Gina.6.Mary,this is _English book.7._ name is John.1.Whats2.My Her3.His 4.Her 5.I 6

2、.Your7.My Hismy your his her 我的我的 你你(们)的们)的 他的他的 她的她的Chen LongLi YuchunZhao BenshanName guessingName guessingWhats his/her name?His/her namesHarry Potter Marie CurieMichael JordanWhats his/her name?His/her namesChinese namesEnglish namesChen LongLi YuchunZhao BenshanHarry PotterMarie CurieMichael Jo

3、rdanHis name is Chen Long.Chen is his last name.family name.(姓氏)Long is his first name.(名字)Her name is Marie Curie.Curie is her last name.(姓氏)family name.Marie is her first name.(名字)Im Jackie Chen.My first name is Jackie.My last name is Chen.First nameLast nameJackieChenWhats your name?Whats your fi

4、rst name?Whats your last name?TrueTrue or or FalseFalseLiu XiangSun Yanzi Zhou Bi ChangTianliangTian LiangZhou Bichang1.Gina 7.Amy 2.Jenny 8.Brown3.Tony 9.Mary4.Green 10.Smith5.Alan 11.Mike6.Miller 12.Zhang Write F for first name and L for last name.FFFLFFL F L F L Lonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightn

5、ine270-5866 468-7521 546856855-4887 4578-12566345-1863254 753 159 899 76 854 2594本单元所要掌握的句型Whats your name?My names Gina.Whats his name?His names Tony.Whats her name?Her names Gina.Whats your phone number?Its 281-9176.形容词性物主代词 my 我的我的 your 你的(你们的)你的(你们的)his 他的他的 her 她的她的 its 它的它的 our 我们的我们的 their 他们的他们的人称代词主格be动词I 我我You 你你(你们你们)He 他他She 她她It 它它amare is is isWe 我们我们They 他们他们Jim and Mary(吉姆和玛丽吉姆和玛丽)areareareI am Alice.You are Grace.He is Frank.She is Helen.It is Dale.We are Alice and Grace.They are Frank and Helen.


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