七年级英语上学期starter unit3 7a.ppt

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1、Whats this?Its“S”.What color is it?Its greenWhats this?Its“T”.What color is it?orangeredpinkUnit 3 What color is it?Unit 3 What color is it?Unit 3 What color is it?Unit 3 What color is it?Unit3 What color is it?Practice the conversation like following.A:What color is it?B:Its.AustraliaJapanCanadathe

2、 United KingdomFrancethe United StatesUnit3 What color is it?奥运五环奥运五环Listen and number the letters you hear P14 2a and 2cWhos wearing yellow today,yellow today,yellow todayWhos wearing red today,red today,red todayWhos wearing green today,green today,green today 教教学学过过程程设设计计Lets chartUnit 3 What col

3、or is it?Unit3 What color is it?Listen to the conversation and color the things in the picture.Do you know what these letters mean?IOCLets chant.AAA,say OK.EEE,drink some tea.III,close your eye.OOO,touch your nose.UUU,its for you.U U Qruler教教学学过过程程设设计计Unit3 What color is it?巧排方巧排方阵阵 Unit3 What color

4、 is it?五个元音字母五个元音字母AEIOU是司令,其它字母是小兵(按字母发音归类)是司令,其它字母是小兵(按字母发音归类)Aa 司令的小兵是司令的小兵是 Hh,Jj,Kk.Ee 司令的小兵是司令的小兵是 Bb,Cc,Dd,Gg,Pp,Tt,Vv.Ii 司令的小兵是司令的小兵是 Yy.Oo 是一个光棍司令是一个光棍司令.Uu 司令的小兵是司令的小兵是Qq,Ww.e 是一个假司令,它的小兵是是一个假司令,它的小兵是 Ff,Ll,Mm,Nn,Ss,Xx,Zz Rr是一个流浪兵。是一个流浪兵。招兵买马招兵买马 Unit 3 What color is it?教教学学过过程程设设计计Just for funJust for fun一只白色一只白色(white)的猫姓布莱克的猫姓布莱克(black),而一只黑色而一只黑色(black)的猫姓怀特的猫姓怀特(white),因此黑猫叫因此黑猫叫Mr.White(白先生),白先生),而白猫叫而白猫叫Mr.Black(黑先生)。黑先生)。


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