七年级英语上学期starter module 3 unit2外研英语.ppt

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1、Module 3.Unit 21.Its a book(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)2.They are pens.3.There are three apples.4.My name is Jack.5.Im fine.6.He is fine.7.Its green.8.They are red.9.This is a map.(复数)复数)10.These are two arms.(单数)单数)What is this?What are they?How many apples are there?What is your name?How are you?How is he?Wha

2、t colour is it?What colour are they?These are maps.This is an arm.课前课前练习:练习:yellowgreenredorangewhiteblueblackWhat colour is/are the?cap shoesbagcoatbeddeskbagshoescoatcapbeddesk and chairWhere is the cat?Its on the desk.Where is the cat?Its in the box.Where are the two cats?Theyre under the cap.(在、

3、上面)在、上面)(在、里面)在、里面)(在、下面)(在、下面)翻译下列词组:翻译下列词组:1、在书包里面、在书包里面2、在桌子上、在桌子上3、在桌子下面、在桌子下面4、在床上、在床上5、在教室里、在教室里6、在椅子下面、在椅子下面7、在房间里、在房间里8、笔在书包里笔在书包里9、猫在床上、猫在床上10、地图在教室里、地图在教室里 in the bag on the desk under the desk on the bed in the classroom under the chair in the roomThe pen is in the bag.The cat is on the bed.The map is in the classroom.Where is/are the?


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