七年级英语上学期Starter module3 unit2外研英语.ppt

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1、Module 3Colours,things and foodUnit 2 Wheres my coat?上溪初中楼晓军 New words:capshoesbagcoatbeddesk chair Wheres the.?Its kitepicturefootballlightonunderinWherere the?Theyrewallfloor-Wheres?Its on/in/under-Wherere?Theyre on/in/under 主要句型主要句型:Listen and point.Daming:Mum,wheres my coat?Mother:Its on the cha

2、ir.Daming:Yes,thank you.Where are my shoes?Mother:Theyre under the bed.Daming:Wheres my cap?Mother:Its in the bag on your desk.Daming:Thanks,MumWheres/re my?coat cap shoesOn the chairIn the bag on the deskUnder the bed4 write1 The cat is _the bed.2 The flowers_ _the desk.3 The red book_ _ _chair.4 T

3、he apple _ _ _bag.5 The shoes _ _ _bed.6 The black book_ _ _bag under are on is on the is in the are under the is in the7 Write.1 boy/in/bed The boy is in the bed.2 dog/on/chair_3 teacher/in/classroom_4 shoes/under/desk_5 pen/in/bag_The dog is on the chair.The teacher is in the classroom.The shoes a

4、re under the desk.The pen is in the bag.方位介词:句型:on/in/underWheres 请用方格里的词填空请用方格里的词填空.what what colour how how many where1_ is it?Its white.2_ is this?Its a babana.3_ is your book?4 Its on the desk.4_ are you?Im fine.5_ are there in your classroom?Five.What colourWhat Where How How many翻译翻译1 这是我朋友这是我朋友,玲玲玲玲.2这些是什么这些是什么?是脚是脚.3 教室里有多少学生教室里有多少学生?五十五十.4.我的我的 帽子呢?帽子呢?在桌子上。在桌子上。This is my friend,Lingling.Whatre these?Theyre feet.How many students are there in the classroom?There are fifty.Wheres my cap?Its on the desk.


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