冀教版七年级(下)英语lesson27 PPT课件.ppt

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1、七年级下册英语七年级下册英语第第27课课王蓓Lesson27Jenny Comes HomeHi,Mom!Did you miss me?Yes,I missed you!Did you have fun in Beijing?Have fun/Have a good timeDid you have a good time in Beijing?The first day,we went to Tian anmen Square.It is so big,Mom!We saw people flying kites there.The second day,we went to the Pa

2、lace Museum.The third day,we went to the Great Wall.Did you go shopping?I have a gift for you.Here!Thank you,Jenny!Have sth for sb 为某人买某物与Buy sth for sbHave sb sth 互为同意句I have you a gift.Buy sb sthCan Li Ming come toCanana to study?I dont know,Jenny.If hisParenrs say yes,it s okayWith me.If his pare

3、nts say yes.本句是条件状语从句Learn by hearto to school every.I see Mr.Wood every day.I have home work every day.I eat a sandwich every day.I am happy!I went to a restaurant last week.I see Li Ming last week.I had fun last week.I ate dumplings last week.I was happy!记住下列不规则动词的过去式记住下列不规则动词的过去式go-went see-saw h

4、ave-had eat-ate am/is-was 1Jenny had a good time in Beijing.根据课文内容判断正误Yes 2 Jenny bought nothing for her mother.NO3The second day they went to Tiananmen Square.NO4 They didnt go shopping at Wangfujing.NO5 Jenny will write to Li Ming.YesCan you work them out1 C 2 D 3 C 4 C 5 C 1.We-happy to see panda

5、 yesterday.A are B was C Were D be 2.Did you-there?-Yes,I did.A had fun B has fun C having fun D have fun 3.-What-you-?-I went to the zoo.A are doing B do do C did do D do did 4.We-see the Great Wall last week.A arent B dont C didnt D werent.5.I have many gifts-you.A to B for C of D onClass is over See you next time.


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