冀教版七年级(下)英语lesson25 PPT课件.ppt

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1、冀教版七年级(下)英语课件Lesson 25制作人:李万勇教学过程Step 1:Discuss1.Do you have a good friend?2.Have you ever said good-bye to a good 3.friend?How did you feel?Sad or happy?Step 2:Listen and answer.1.Where will Li Ming go?2.2.How will Danny and Jenny go back to Canada?3.4.3.What makes Danny sad?Step 2:Listen and answe

2、r.1.Where will Li Ming go?2.He will go back to Shijiazhuang.3.2.How will Danny and Jenny go back to Canada?4.5.3.What makes Danny sad?Step 2:Listen and answer.1.Where will Li Ming go?2.He will go back to Shijiazhuang.3.2.How will Danny and Jenny go back to Canada?4.They will go back to Canada by pla

3、ne.5.3.What makes Danny sad?Step 2:Listen and answer.1.Where will Li Ming go?2.He will go back to Shijiazhuang.3.2.How will Danny and Jenny go back to Canada?4.They will go back to Canada by plane.5.3.What makes Danny sad?6.He will leave China and say good-bye to Li Ming.Step 3:Key sentence pattern

4、1.Its time for everyone to go home.Its time for sb.to do sth.到了某人该做某事的时候了.it 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to do sth.另外,its time 后还可以接for,此时for 后接名词.例如:到了去上学的时间了.Its time to go to school.Its time for school.Step 3:Key sentence pattern 2.They take a taxi to the airport.3.Thank you for coming.thank you for+doin

5、g sth.因为做某事而感谢某人例:Thank you for inviting me to your party.take a taxi 乘出租车意思是go to the airport by taxiStep 4:Make up a dialogue If you are at the train station or airport,one friend is leaving.You are saying goodbye to him/her.You can begin with:You:I hope to see you again!Him/Her:I hope so,too.Ill

6、miss you Step 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.Sh

7、e usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.Step 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in di

8、fferent _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.likesStep 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and J

9、enny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.likesslowly Step 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wang

10、fujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.likesslowly chopsticksStep 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适

11、当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its ti

12、me for us _(have)class.likesslowly chopsticksare sitting Step 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different

13、 _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.likesslowly chopsticksare sitting shopsStep 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mo

14、ther.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.likesslowly chopsticksare sitting shopstookStep 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(

15、like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)cl

16、ass.likesslowly chopsticksare sitting shopstookgoesStep 5:From Test to Test 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Everyone _(like)to go shopping.2.Mrs.Li and Danny walk _(slow)to Wangfujing.3.She buys _(chopstick)for her mother.4.Mrs.Li,Li Ming and Jenny _(sit)on the chairs.5.Danny shops slowly.He looks in different _(shop).6.Jenny _(take)a picture yesterday.7.She usually _(go)to school on foot.8.Its time for us _(have)class.likesslowly chopsticksare sitting shopstookgoesto have


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