冀教版七年级(下)英语lesson20 PPT课件.ppt

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1、河北版七年级英语(下册)洋县溢水初级中学王瑾 Unit 3 Lessons 17-24 Having Fun in Beijing Lesson 20Lets Write Homen nBy Yishui Middle School Wang JinLearning Aims:n nNew words:New words:letter,dear,dad,soon,envelope,bottom,Mr.letter,dear,dad,soon,envelope,bottom,Mr.postcard,address,stamp,corner,road,Alberta,post,postcard,a

2、ddress,stamp,corner,road,Alberta,post,post officepost officen nPhrases and expressions:Phrases and expressions:worry about,put in,in the top right corner,worry about,put in,in the top right corner,at the post officeat the post office See you soon.See you soon.n nC.Learn how to write a postcard,a let

3、ter and an C.Learn how to write a postcard,a letter and an envelope.envelope.Think and answern n Have you ever write a letter in Chinese?n n Do you know how to write a letter in English?Today we will learn how to write an English letter.a lettera postcard an envelope Think of:How to write a letter,a

4、 postcard and envelope in Chinese?Listen,watch and learnDiscuss:How to write a letter,a How to write a letter,a postcard and envelope postcard and envelope in English?in English?This is the top.This is the left.This is the right.This is the bottom.Where is the top,bottom,left and right?Letter and en

5、velopeAnswer and remember:n n Where do you write the date?Where do you write the date?On the top.On the top.n n Where do you write?Where do you write?On the paper of a letter./On the left of the postcard.On the paper of a letter./On the left of the postcard.n n Where do you put the address?Where do

6、you put the address?On the envelope./On the right.On the envelope./On the right.n n Where do you put the stamp?Where do you put the stamp?In the top,right corner of the envelope./In the top,In the top,right corner of the envelope./In the top,right corner of the postcard.right corner of the postcard.Project n nMake a postcard.Draw a picture on it.Include a place for writing a note,for the address and for the stamp.Write to a classmate.Do you know his or her address?Ask!It s time to relax!Bye-bye!


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