六年级英语下册Unit 3课件.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Asking the way问路问路I want to buy some presents.supermarketI can also go to a .shopping centreshopping centre 购物中心购物中心I want to go to the USA by plane.airport 飞机场飞机场I lost(丢失)(丢失)my purse.police stationI want to go to Beijing by train.train station 火车站火车站I want to watch the animal show.zooI wan

2、t to see a film.cinemaI want to wash my hands(上厕所上厕所).WCI want to see these things.a history museum历史博物馆历史博物馆I would like to send a letter.a post office邮局邮局Where are you from Monday to Friday?a primary school小学小学Where are you going next year(明年)(明年)?a middle school中学中学Oh,its a beautiful .I want to g

3、o for a walk here.street(街道)(街道)streetThey are .go along the street 沿着街向前走沿着街向前走going along the streethospitalI am ill.I want to see a doctor.Can you tell me the way to the hospital?way 路线路线the way to 去去的路线的路线But I dont know the way.Go along the street.The hospital is on your right.on your right在你的右

4、边在你的右边on your left在你的左边在你的左边hospitalCan you tell me the way to the hospital?Can you tell me the way to the primary school?Go along the street.The primary school is .on your rightprimary schoolCan you tell me the way to the middle school?Go along the street,the middle school is .on your leftmiddle sc

5、hoolWCCan you tell me the way to the WC?WCturn right 向右转向右转turn left 向左转向左转WCcrossing 十字路口十字路口at the crossing 在十字路口在十字路口 at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口在第一个十字路口WCCan you tell me the way to the WC?Go along the street.And then turn right at the first crossing.The WC is on your right.Can you tell me the

6、 way to the park?,and then at the .The post office is .Go along the streetturn rightsecond crossingon your leftpark ,and then at the .The park is on your .Go along the streetturn rightsecond crossingleftCan you tell me the way to the park?,and then at the .The shopping centre is .Go along the street

7、turn leftfourth crossingon your rightCan you tell me the way to the shopping centre?Go along the street,.The bus station is .and then turn left at the third crossingon your leftCan you tell me the way to the bus station?,.Go along the streetand then turn right at the first crossingThe WC is on your rightCan you tell me the way to the WC?train stationhistorymuseummiddleschoolprimaryschoolshoppingcentrehospitalWCpost officepark


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