六年级英语下册Unit 1课件2.ppt

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1、Unit 1 Public signs Play a game:Look and guess What does this mean?这是什么意思?It means 它的意思是Try to read Hi,my name is Jack.Im four years old.Im Bens cousin.I usually go to the park at the weekends.And I always have a lot of questions.always 总是Try to say Hi,my name is Jack.Im four years old.Im Bens cousi

2、n.I usually go to the park at the weekends.And I always have a lot of questions.This is Jack.He is Read and answer Today is Saturday.Ben and his cousin,Jack,are in the park.Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions.He sees some public signs in the park.He is asking Ben some qu

3、estions about them.Q1:Where is Jack now?Q2:What does he see?Q3:What is Jack doing now?QuestionsQ1:Where is Jack now?He is in the park.Answer the questionsAnswer the questionsQ2:What does he see?He sees some public signs.public signs 公共标志Answer the questionsQ3:What is Jack doing now?He is asking Ben

4、some questions.Q4:What are the questions about?They are about public signs.Try to readToday is Saturday.Ben and his cousin,Jack,are in the park.Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions.He sees some public signs in the park.He is askingBen some questions about them.Listen and

5、chooseWatch and answer What does it mean?What does it mean?It means“Danger”!(危险)(危险)What should we do?(我们应该怎么做?)(我们应该怎么做?)We should stay away from the building.(我们应该远离这座建筑。)(我们应该远离这座建筑。)(远离)(远离)What does it mean?It means“Keep off the grass”!(不要接近小草)(不要接近小草)What shouldnt we do?We shouldnt walk on the

6、 grass.(不应该)(不应该)What does it mean?It means“Be quiet”!(安静)(安静)What should we do?We shouldnt make noise here.(发出喧闹声音)(发出喧闹声音)We should keep quiet.(保持安静)(保持安静)What shouldnt we do?Look and say A:What does it mean?B:It means A:What should/shouldnt we do?B:We should/shouldnt Listen and repeatThere are a

7、lot of signs here,Ben.There are a lot of signs here,Ben.Yes.Theyre public signs.They meanYes.Theyre public signs.They meandifferent things.different things.Theres a sign on the wall.What does Theres a sign on the wall.What does it mean?it mean?It means“Danger”!It means“Danger”!Can I go in?Can I go i

8、n?No,you cant.You must stay away No,you cant.You must stay away from the building.from the building.Listen and repeatTheres a sign on the grass.What does it mean?What does that mean?It means we shouldnt walk on the grass.It means Be quiet!We shouldnt make noise here.It means“Keep off the grass”!The

9、sign on the birds cage is interesting.What does it mean?cage 笼子Now I know a lot about the public signs.Thank you,Ben.Read and complete Do you like the park,Jack?public signsmeanshouldntbe/keepquietstayawayYes,I do.Now I know a lot about in the park.They different things.We walk on the grass.We shoul

10、d near the birds cage.The sign on the building in the park meansDanger.We must fromit.Make up a dialogue It is Sunday afternoon.You and your classmates see some public signs in different places.You are talking about them now1.Listen to the tape and read the text at least three times.2.Write the dialogue about the public signs between you and your classmates.3.Try to know more public signs and talk about their meanings in English.


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