六年级英语下册Unit 1-2课件.ppt

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1、Review and check (Unit1、Unit2)宜兴市川埠小学 生霞Does Liuxiang run faster than Deng Yaping?Does Liuxiang play table tennis better than Deng Yaping?1234Look,match and sayLook at the following pictures and write the letters in the correct bubbles.dbacdacbcbaefdebcadB Look,read and respondLook at the following

2、pictures,read the sentences and respond.A:Who goes to bed later,Helen or Mike?B:Helen goes to bed later than Mike.A:Are the blue penciles as long as the yellow ones?B:Yes,they are.A:Does the boy in red sing better than theB:Yes,he does.the boy in green?A:Are the oranges in the blue box as heavy as t

3、heoranges in the red box?B:No,they arent.A:Are bears as big as elephants?B:No,they arent.A:Are elephants bigger than tigers?B:Yes,they are.tallerthanheavierfasterhigherbetterthanfartherthanHomework:Fill in the report below.Talk about the report to a friend.Then use your notes to write a letter to a family member.Use Su Yangs letter as a model._ SchoolClass_,Grade_Name:_Age:_Height:_ cmWeight:_kg50-metre race:_High jump:_mLong jump:_mClass is overClass is over


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