六年级英语when is your birthday课件4.ppt

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1、Unite1 when is your Unite1 when is your birthdaybirthdayNO.67Middle School Wu Lihong months of the yearPlease say out the numbers in English.131015222316193031 顺口溜顺口溜 基变序,有规律,词尾加上基变序,有规律,词尾加上th.1 2 3 特殊记,词尾字母特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d。8少少 t,9 去去 e,f 来把来把 v e 替。替。9整十变整十变y为为ie,后跟后跟 th 莫迟疑。莫迟疑。10若想表示几十几,只变若想表示几十几,只

2、变个位个位就可以。就可以。National Day国庆节国庆节Ask and AnswerWhen is National Day?Its October first.Teachers Day教教师节师节September 10th下一页下一页上一页上一页New Years DayJanuary firstChildrens Day下一页下一页上一页上一页June firstChristmas Day 下一页下一页上一页上一页December twenty-fifthTeam work:ask about birthdayA:When is your birthday?B:My birthda

3、y/It is June first.Tian LiangAugust 27thCai YilinSeptember 12thGuo JingjingOctober 15thLu XunFebruary 3rdYao MingSeptember 12thA:-When is your birthday?B:-My birthday/It is May 1st.A:-How old are you?B:-Im fourteen.(years old.)Pair workMake a survey:When is your birthday?How old are you?then write a

4、 report.Report:My name is_.My birthday is _.Im_years old.My friend Li Mings birthday is_.He/She is _years old.WritingPlease write something about yourself.(five sentences)My first name is and my last name is Imyears old.My birthday is Ilike.(movies,colors,fruits).Please remember your parents birthda

5、y and say“Happy Birthday“to them.SummaryMonths of the year.Ordinal numbers 1-31Sentences:When is your birthday?My birthday is How old are you?F,F,February.M,M,March and May.S,S,September.O,O,October.N,N,November.D,D,December.A,A,April and August.J,J,January,June and July.HomeworkMake a survey:When is your fathers/mothers birthday?Fill in the form.namebirthdayfather mother grandfather grandmother


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