六年级英语when is your birthday课件1.ppt

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1、UNIT 1 When is your birthday?Teaching aims1.Names of months.2.Ordinal numbers.3.To talk about dates.1980年9月12日7月15日8月19日1月8日2月13日12月21日练一练一.写出序数词。One_ two_ three_ four_five_Eight_ nine_ twelve_ twenty_二二 填空。填空。1.My birthday is October 4th(就划线部分提问就划线部分提问).2.They go home on Saturday(就划线部分提问就划线部分提问).3.

2、She gets up _ eight thirty.(at inon)4.He goes to school _the morning.(at inon)5.When is your _(father)birthday?His birthday is _(12/9)三.填词。1.N_ is the eleventh month of a year.2.E_ is the number between the seventh and the ninth.3.His b_ is April 5th.4.There are twelve m_ in a year.5.There are twentyeight days in F_.6.Teachers Day is S_ 10th.7.J_ comes before July,but after May.8.April is the f_ month of the year.9.December is the t_ month of the year.10.May is before J_,after A_.


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