六年级英语when is your birthday课件3.ppt

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1、Unit 1Unit 1When is your birthday?When is your birthday?Words Revision1.Which month has only 28 or 29 days?_2.Our National Day is in _.in+月份 3.The last month of a year is _,and its the _ month.FebruaryOctoberDecembertwelfth4.基数词 序数词 eight-_ nine-_ twelve-_ five-_ forty-_ eleven-_ 26-_ 51-_ 73-_eight

2、hninthtwelfthfifthfortietheleventhtwenty-sixthfifty-firstseventy-third篮球比赛篮球比赛郊游郊游讲演比赛讲演比赛英语晚会英语晚会排球比赛排球比赛学校上课日学校上课日校庆日校庆日艺术节艺术节音乐节音乐节basketball gameschool tripspeech contest English partyvolleyball gameschool daySchool DayArt FestivalMusic Festival1._ speech contest 3._ school trip2._ party 4._ bas

3、ketball gamec1Match the pictures with the events.dbaSeptemberOctober242526272829301234567basket-ball gameSallys birthday partyspeech contestschool trip2b ListeningTapescriptJoe:Hey,Sally.Can you help me fill in my calendar?klindSally:Sure,Joe.Joe:When is your birthday party?Sally:My birthday party i

4、s October 5th.Jon:OK,and when is the basketball game?Sally:The basketball game?Oh,its October 2nd.Joe:Good.And,um,how about the school trip?Sally:The school trip is September 26th and 27th.Joe:And whens the speech contest?Sally:Oh,thats Friday,September 29th.Joe:Great.Joe:Hey,Sally.Can you help me f

5、ill in my calendar?Sally:Sure,Joe.Joe:When is your birthday party?Sally:My birthday party is October 5th.日历,月历日历,月历Tapescripthelp sb.do sth.填写Jon:OK,and when is the basketball game?Sally:The basketball game?Oh,its October 2nd.Joe:Good.And,um,how about the school trip?Sally:The school trip is September 26th and 27th.Joe:And whens the speech contest?Sally:Oh,thats Friday,September 29th.Joe:Great.Decembervolleyball game December 3English party December 7Chinese Contest December 19Music Festival December 26Speech Contest December 30Talk about Sallys schedule:


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