八年级英语Natural Disasters课件1.ppt

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1、Unit 6 Natural DisastersComic strip&Comic strip&Welcome to the unitWelcome to the unitTianjiabing Secondary SchoolZhang LiWhats the weather like?What is it?Its sunny.What is it?rain a rainstormWhats the weather like?Its rainy.What is it?Whats the weather like?typhoonIts windy.What is it?Whats the we

2、ather like?thunder and lightningIts bad weather,its going to rain.What is it?Whats the weather like?a snowstormIts snowy.Look at the pictures.Write the correct names under the picture.typhoonThunder and lightningrainstormsnowstormWhats the weather like?What happened to Hobo?Whats the weather like?Wh

3、at happened to Hobo?What was Hobo doing when it started to rain?When did Hobo hear the rain?What happened to Hobos house?Why doesnt he want to go home alone?Langue points:was sleeping-过去进行时过去进行时(表示过去某个时间正在发生的事情)(表示过去某个时间正在发生的事情)结构结构:was/were(not)+doingPractice:Make some sentencesThe boy was walking

4、home when the typhoon came.The girl was doing homework in her bedroom when the thunder and lightning came.A man and a woman were walking in the waterPeople were having dinner at home when the the snowstorm came.natural disastersnatural forcesaccidentspeopleThe difference a flood A flood washed the village away.an earthquake a car accidentA car crashed into a tree.


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