八年级英语Natural Disasters课件6.ppt

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1、孟明铄孟明铄田家炳实验中学分校1.The_ is shining today The weather today is_.Its a good day for trip.sunsunny 2.The _ is very heavy today.Today is _.sunsunnyfogfoggyfogfoggyrainrainy3.Its a_ day.The_ is very heavy rainyrain snowsnowyfrostfrosty6.There will be _on Thursday.Itll be _on Thursday.5.Itll be_.There will

2、be_tomorow.4.Itll be_.There are many_in the sky.cloudcloudyfrostfrostysnowsnowycloudycloudsthunder and lightningwindwindy8.The _ blows hard.Itll be_.windwindy7.Thunder and lightning is very frightened.rainstorm9._ can cause nature disasters.Rainstormsandstormtyphoonfloodearthquake(沙尘暴)Tell us what i

3、s nature disaster and what is bad weather.1.The Taiwan earthquake killed thousands of people.2.The school football team lost the game.3.A young man fell from the tree and hurt his leg.4.A big storm killed 20 people.5.Lightning started a big fire in a house.6.It rains heavily.Everywhere is rain.7.The

4、 weather today is very cold and the wind blows strongly.Natural disaster/Bad weather:1,4,5,6,7Others:2,3sunsunnycloudcloudywindwindyrainrainyn.adj.比较级比较级sunnier最高级最高级sunniestcloudiercloudiestwindierwindiestrainierrainiestsnowsnowysnowiersnowieststormstormystormierstormiestfogfoggyfoggierfoggiestfros

5、tfrostyfrostierfrostiestn.adj.比较级比较级 最高级最高级 Thursday2 4 CTuesday7 9CA:The weather today is but itll beon Wednesday.The temperature will be around 5C.What about Thursday?B:Itll be The temperature will be drop a little.A:So the weather wont be too bad.What about Friday?B:Itll be on Friday.The temperat

6、ure will be lower.Itll be only 1C.Wednesday 57CFriday02 CMake up a dialogue Most of North and South China will have a cold wet day.It will be _sometimes.There will be a strong _to the north of the Huai River.The day after tomorrow will be_.In the _it will be fine.The temperature will stay above zero

7、 in the daytime,but at night it will fall below zero again.In the _,there will be _in the night.The snow will be very heavy in some places.Beijing will be _.The temperature will be 2 to 9.Tianjin will be _and high temperature.Listen and fill in blankscloudywindsnowrainycloudyNorthwestNortheastsunnyMake a weather report for some cities tomorrow.0 3C南京南京常州常州15C苏州苏州6 15 C连云港连云港4 10 CLook at the pictures and make up a short story.WritingLilyMaryTomNot cold1019CIn classroomAt 5:00An umbrella THANK YOU!GOOD BYE!


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