八年级英语Natural Disasters课件5.ppt

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1、Unit 6 Natural DisastersnReading:An earthquake survivors n home page.Translate the following phrases:n1。输掉一场比赛n2。数以千计的人n3。撞上一棵树n4。把村庄冲走n5。从树上掉下来n6。引发一场大火 lose a game thousands of people crash into a tree wash the village away fall from a tree start a big fireJudge the natural disasters:firedroughtth

2、under and lightningtyphoon volcanofloodsnowstormearthquakebe frightened /in fear scream run wildlyrun in all directionsPieces of glasses and bricks fall down.(fall fell)Walls began to come down.Expressions:shake v.摇动,震动 (shaking n.)hear a big noise like thunder 听到一声像打雷一样的声音in fear(be frightened)害怕,恐

3、惧Scream v.尖叫run in all directions 奔向四面八方run wildly 疯狂地奔跑fall down 掉下来come down 倒塌,塌陷nThere was an earthquake in Taiwan.Timmy survived the earthquake.He wrote his story and put it on his home page.The Taiwan earthquakeListen to the story and try to answer the following questions:n1.Where was Timmy wh

4、en the earthquake started?n2.Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?n3.What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?True or false statements:1.Timmy was in a restaurant when the earthquake started.2.Timmy heard a loud noise of thunder at first.3.Animals ran wildly everywhere.4.Timmy was trapped

5、 in a dark place when the earthquake stopped.5.Timmy had nothing to eat when he was trapped under the bricks and stones.6.People found Timmy at night.FFFTFFAsk and answer in pairs:Para 11.Where was Timmy?2.What happened in the shopping center?Para 21.What happened to the buildings?2.How did people r

6、eact(做出反应)?3.What did Timmy do?Para 31.Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped?2.How did Timmy feel?Para 41.What did Timmy do while he was waiting for help?Para 51.How was he rescued(获救)?There are a lot of words in the text whichdescribe noise,movement,fear and hopethunder scream real noise bombs s

7、hout for helpa slight shaking started to shake ran wildly ran in all directions walls began to come down pieces of glass and bricks fell downin fear screamed were very frightened dark could not see at all a moment of fear was afraidcalm down still alive bright daylight safeNoise:Movement:Fear:Hope:S

8、uppose you are Timmy and the partners are reporters,now they are interviewing you about the following questions:1.1.Where were you when the earthquake started?Where were you when the earthquake started?2.2.What kind of noise did you hear?What kind of noise did you hear?3.3.Why did some children scre

9、am?Why did some children scream?4.4.What did people do after they heard the noise?What did people do after they heard the noise?5.5.Did you know where you were when the noise and Did you know where you were when the noise and 6.6.shaking ended?Why?shaking ended?Why?7.7.6.How did you feel when you kn

10、ew you were trapped?6.How did you feel when you knew you were trapped?8.8.7.Why did you stop shouting for help after you found no7.Why did you stop shouting for help after you found no9.9.one came for a very long time?one came for a very long time?10.10.8.When did you begin to shout again?8.When did

11、 you begin to shout again?11.11.9.What did people do when they heard your scream?9.What did people do when they heard your scream?12.12.10.What do you want to say to those who have saved you?10.What do you want to say to those who have saved you?13.13.After the interview,the reporters have to write

12、reports about it,help them complete the report.Open your books at Page 92.Part B2Could you find the words in the story which can replace the following meanings?1.keep in a place and can not move2.shout loudly3.stop being nervous or excited4.very short time5.the loud noise following lightning6.fall b

13、e trapped scream calm down moment thunder come downFind the following phrases from the text:1.惊恐地惊恐地2.向四处奔跑向四处奔跑3.该去哪该去哪4.开始倒塌开始倒塌5.冷静下来冷静下来6.根本看不见根本看不见7.处于困境中处于困境中8.一阵恐惧一阵恐惧9.匆忙地匆忙地10.移走,拿开移走,拿开in fearrun in all directionswhere to gobegin to come downcalm downcan not see at allbe trapped a moment of fearin a great hurrymove away


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